Tolu Ogunlesi, MON Profile picture
Comms, Speechwriting, Poetry, History | Ex-@NigeriaGov | Fellowships: @harvardWCFIA @french_african @RockefellerFdn @NordicAfrica | Judge: @hodlerprize

Aug 1, 2018, 24 tweets

Politicking aside, serious work is still going on. Today is for #LagosIbadanRail. Tour should commence shortly.

It‘s a brand new 160km standard gauge rail line that will run from Iddo in Lagos, through Ogun State, to Ibadan in Oyo State. Construction in progress.

Last week was for #ItakpeWarriRail, this week is for #LagosIbadanRail. From the same people who brought you the blockbuster #AbujaMetro.


I’ll be defecting to Abeokuta and back, bringing updates along the way about the progress of the #LagosIbadanRail. Stay tuned.

Stations on the #LagosIbadanRail Route:

Lagos (with a spur to Apapa Port)

We’re getting a Tour along the Rail corridor, to see the ongoing construction. #LagosIbadanRail

So this is the Rail Corridor, on which the #LagosIbadanRail Line will sit. Stretches all the way from Agbado, where we are, to Abeokuta. Track laying hasn’t started here, but is going on along other parts of Corridor.
“The track laying is the easiest part of the job,” I’m told.

Work ongoing along the #LagosIbadanRail Corridor.

Making our way to Papalanto, which is the Station before Abeokuta.

Earthworks ongoing. #LagosIbadanRail. This is somewhere between Kajola and Papalanto.

Lush greenery in the distance. This bit of the #LagosIbadanRail Line is going to offer quite the picturesque (elevated) view...

Bridge completed. This is close to Papalanto. There are more than 30 bridges, of varying sizes, along the entire #LagosIbadanRail route. 4 extra-large bridges, 11 large bridges, 4 medium bridges, etc etc.

Work is going on from both ends, Lagos and Ibadan, as well as in between at Papalanto. Earthworks at the Lagos end, Earthworks and Track Laying in both directions at Papalanto.

Papalanto is Project HQ / Project Mgt Office. Also has a large Construction Camp

Track laying. Standard Gauge, Double Track. At this point (this is at Papalanto), only one set of tracks laid, second one will be laid alongside it. #LagosIbadanRail #RailUPng #TheYearofInfrastructure

Track laying. Standard Gauge, Double Track. At this point (this is at Papalanto), only one set of tracks laid, second one will be laid alongside it. #LagosIbadanRail #RailUPng #TheYearofInfrastructure

Bridge completed. This is close to Papalanto. There are more than 30 bridges, of varying sizes, along the entire #LagosIbadanRail route. 4 extra-large bridges, 11 large bridges, 4 medium bridges, etc etc.

Some #LagosIbadanRail Project Information. Read and be blessed.

PHOTOS: Construction workers on #LagosIbadanRail

These columns are being installed to carry the #LagosIbadanRail Line tracks.

One of the things I’ve noticed with these new rail projects (including #AbujaMetro) is that they do their best to avoid Level Crossings (where a rail line crosses a road and cars have to stop/wait).

This (near Papalanto) is where the #LagosIbadanRail tracks have reached (facing Lagos). They’re also being laid facing the Abeokuta/Ibadan direction.

Double Track, so this is just one side. Next to this, the second line will be laid.

VIDEO from today: Ongoing construction of columns that will hold Tracks for #LagosIbadanRail. This is somewhere in Ogun State.

The Lagos Station for #LagosIbadanRail is going to be in the Railway Compound in Ebute Meta. I’m told Construction is going to commence soon, and it’s going to be the flagship station for the Route.

There’s also going to be a Station in Apapa Harbour.

VIDEO: Earthworks, bridges and other civil engineering stuff

This, in Papalanto, is where the Tour ended. You can see the tracks stretching on into the distance, towards Abeokuta. On the right is a bridge being built to carry the second set of tracks. Right and left are Farmlands and streams. #LagosIbadanRail

Apart from the sounds of construction, the only other thing to be heard here is the chirping of birds and insects. #LagosIbadanRail

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