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Expert level typo maker.

Aug 2, 2018, 8 tweets

Hey @SenSchumer why are you suddenly crying about 3D Guns? The blueprints were downloaded 100k times in 2013 obviously that was @realDonaldTrump’s fault? Where were all @TheDemocrats bragging about their bill to stop this 5 years ago AND why does the press have amnesia.

An even better question would be WHY did the Obama administration give 3D Gun makers a Federal license @SenBlumenthal @chuckschumer HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN.
#guncontrol #bluewave #BLUELIES

This is all your fault Chucky, you were BEHOLDEN TO THE @NRA AND DID NOTHING!! 😂🤣😂…

Oh @chuckschumer “hypocrisy” should never come out of your mouth unless you’re describing your party. So nahhh @TheDemocrats aren’t going to save us from 3D Guns.
Time to dust off yet another Obama fail to pin on @realDonaldTrump…

Go grab your Kleenex #CryingChuckSchumer

@dbongino @DLoesch @NRA tell them all to STFU, no more offense!

🤣😂 @SenBlumenthal sees #GHOSTGUNS
Who wants to tell him they've been around since 2013?

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