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Ark of Baphomet is my 6th book. I host a Livestream. https://t.co/aWcZD8raEN

Aug 2, 2018, 12 tweets

Let it be known so it may be exposed. FAME is the bondage of the Golden Child. SHAME is the abuse of the Scapegoat. We are under the spell of the All-Seeing-Eye... The Hollywood Camera.

The All-Seeing-Eye is the Hollywood camera lens. People worship it. They sacrifice children to it. They treat it with impeccable reverence. Who is behind the eye behind the eye. Who do we feed with the eyes of our children? #TheGreatAwakening @POTUS

Aztec culture has a history of human sacrifice. We call those people animals and bury them deep in time. We rest easy knowing how evolved we've become. We insist something so savage could never happen today. We have airplanes. We have crosswalks. We go to the movies. Impossible.

A spell enchants a subscriber. It casts a bubble of paralysis. It captivates the mind, subduing the victim with sound and pictures. It extracts our attention, converts it into fame and resells it like nectar every 90 minutes. Victims are so blind to it they buy their own ticket.

The wizard behind the curtain is the All-Seeing-Eye behind the camera. If you’ve ever doubted the power of magic, that’s a sure sign it’s working on you. We are the Aztecs. This is what it was like to live in a human sacrifice culture.

RIP Zombie Boy. They loved you b/c you'd peel off your own skin to be in their presence. His last spell was cast on Instagram. He needed someone to stay here and help it vibrate.

1.) Circle
2.) Sacrifice
3.) Resonator

Symbolism will be there downfall.

The Gaga resonates the ritual.
Read Gaga's words about the zombie.
Is "beyond devastating" the same as "sad?"
Gaga calls something to the forefront.
Gaga says you too can be saved.
Are Gaga's words impeccable?
Read their words closely.


If you understand what true power is, you will understand this picture.
The powerful don't smile for a reason.
They don't have to.


Gaga published Zombie Boy's sacrifice on 8/2. The night prior was Lammas Day, the Sabbat Festival requiring a human sacrifice of any age, male or female. A swirling black hole of depression dug deep into his chest. Gaga watched as a boy with no skin leapt into the anti-verse.

Part two, The Anatomy of Satanism in Hollywood. #Qanon #PedoWood #Hollyweird jtrue.com/blog/queen-lad…

Bees assemble into a colony from the vibrations of it's mother. The Queen. There are only two bees. Workers and drones. Workers service the colony, they are the scapegoats. Drones are the golden child, dying in a mating ritual in front of the colony.

The Queen's vibration resonates in the empty chests of the self-abandoned. A colony forms into the shape of a pyramid. This is the shape of triangulation.

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