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I'll eat when I'm hungry #Bitcoin

Aug 3, 2018, 6 tweets

$DRGN shameless speculative shill thread 🧐

⁉️Starbucks first Fortune 500 adopter of Dragonchain⁉️


Today ICE announced Bakkt, with big partners including Starbucks.

2/ Maria Smith, VP and Partnerships and Payment Strategy at Starbucks, who also happens to be the Financial Executive at @dragonchaingang is involved. Starbucks will provide seamless BTC to USD conversion to pay for items at Starbucks.

3/ What does Starbucks need to develop this in a decentralized scalable way? A scalable, hybrid private/public Blockchain solution with BTC smart contract and interchain capabilities.

What is on the roadmap of @dragonchaingang ? Right:

BTC Interchain Smart Contract Library

4/4 And who owns the 5'th richest DRGN ERC20 address, containing nearly 19 million $DRGN ?

It's not Dragonchain, who else would need such a massive amount of tokens, 4.33% of the total supply?


5/5 If you wondered, @dragonchaingang carefully examined industry wide use cases prior to designing their Blockchain, to be sure they can cater every corner of the real world with Blockchain magic:


Amongst those use cases they investigated:

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