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Constitutional Extremist ★ Author ★ GiveSendGo:

Aug 3, 2018, 66 tweets

1) This is my #Qanon thread for August 3, 2018

Q posts can be found here:

Android apps:
Q Drops:
Q Alerts:

My theme: Trump Attack Foiled

2) Patriots have spread the word out about #Qanon who reminded us we need to prepare for new arrivals.

3) The MSM has pulled out all the stops in their attempt to kill the revolution. In response, I'm converting all my #QAnon videos from June forward to audio podcasts that will be available for free on iTunes.

4) Because the podcasts are audio only, there will be no images, but people with low-data plans who are unable to stream video and those don't use Twitter can stay informed about #Qanon

5) Over the next week, I'll be posting the #Qanon podcasts on multiple platforms.

Here's a link to my iTunes page.…

6) My #Qanon podcasts are also available on Podbean which has a mobile app.

7) #Qanon posted an updated list of articles condemning the movement.
(I've broken the post into 2 parts.)

8) There have been more than 50 articles published that bash #Qanon since the Tampa Rally.

9) CNN Article about #Qanon…

10) The Salt Lake Tribune's #Qanon article.…

11) BBC weighed in on #Qanon…

12) The Independent chimed in about #Qanon…

14) Here's the CBS version of the [4am] talking points about #Qanon.…

15) The New York Times got the message and published this article about #Qanon…

16) The Global News published this about #Qanon…

17) Business Insider's article about #Qanon…

18) Conservative Review published this.

19) Mocking those who followed R anon during #Qanon's absence, the Daily Beast wrote this article about those who believe John F Kennedy Jr. faked his death and is still alive.

[Be careful who you follow]…

20) The Star Tribune re-published an article about #Qanon from Associated Press.…

21) Fortune Magazine knows as well as anyone that if #Qanon convinces people to reject the mainstream media's influence, they lose all control.…

22) Here's Bloomberg's article about #Qanon.…

23) #Qanon updated the list of articles this morning noting the Washinton Post is leading the charge.

24) In this article, (viewable for free in the Tor browser) WaPo admits that the onslaught of negative press has only drawn more eyes to the #Qanon movement.…

25) #Qanon 😎

26) Thanks, WaPo!

27) In this article, a WaPo reporter went to the Wilkes Barre rally hoping to find a few ignorant #Qanon followers.…

28) This article is an interview with a Q follower. The reporter makes false claims stating that #Qanon crumbs are laced with racism and anti-Semitism.

Q has never endorsed either but it's obvious reporters aren't interested in learning the truth.…

29) #Qanon asked:
Who owns the Washington Post?
What ABC agency is heavily tied to Amazon?…

31) #Qanon posted this.

32) US Space Force (an unverified account) posted this.

33) Coincidence?

34) According to some, #Qanon is a LARP.
What exactly is a LARP?
@LionelMedia explains.

35) An anon posted a link to a Twitter status from a woman who thwarted an attempted assassination of the President.

36) Here's the tweet the anon posted.

38) Link to original story (can only be accessed with a paid subscription)

39) #Qanon said that if Kate showed up at the rally, she'd be given VIP access.

40) Some people noticed there weren't many #Qanon signs at the rally in Wilkes-Barre.

Secret Service took the threat against the president seriously and took signs from some of the attendees.…

41) #Qanon responded.

42) An anon thought the assassination threat was the reason #Qnon was unusually silent on the night of the rally.

43) #Qanon confirmed the anon's observation.

(The red number following >> corresponds with the previous post number)

44) Since the potential assassin that Kate warned us about was in jail, who posed a threat at the rally?

45) An anon dropped this chat involving Kate.

Why did she want to get close enough to POTUS to hug him?

46) #Qanon responded.

47) #Qanon clarified the connection.

(Please don't ask me to explain any further. I don't think it's worth speculating beyond what Q has posted.)

48) #Qanon posted a link.
Fox News would be considered derelict if they didn't report on Q like everyone else, so they published an article that cited numerous other articles.

[No such thing as bad publicity.]

49) Here's the link #Qanon posted.…

50) As the #Qanon movement grows in popularity, political commentators on Twitter will share their thoughts, including some who doubt Q's claims.

Q posted a link.

51) The link goes to a discussion about #Qanon based on a Twitter thread by @The_War_Economy…

52) Here's @The_War_Economy's Twitter thread on #Qanon


53) You may want to keep this man in your prayers.
(Don't ask for details and please don't message me... just pray)

54) #Qanon posted 2 diagrams from the DOJ Inspector General's report showing the way FBI personnel interacted with reporters under James Comey.

This is diagram 1

55) This is the second diagram #Qanon posted.
It seems the higher the rank in the FBI, the more frequent the individual was in contact with reporters.

56) This diagram shows the FBI's chain of command for the Hillary email investigation (Midyear exam, MYE)

Note: #Qanon highlighted Kevin Clinesmith, Tashina Gauhar & Sally Moyer in red.

57) #Qanon posted this list of reporters who are known to Wikileaks have colluded with Hillary and the Dems during the 2016 Presidential election.

58) #Qanon posted this with a link to the DOJ Inspector General's report.

Why are the FBI and DOJ are being systematically cleaned out?


59) #Qanon provided an updated list of sealed indictments courtesy of @damartin32


60) The anons noticed that Eric Trump tweeted about the animosity Jeff Bezos and the Washington Post have toward the Trump family.

61) #Qanon responded.

62) #Qanon posted a screenshot of his earlier post about Bezos and WaPo.
Is it possible Eric Trump is following #Qanon's lead?

63) An anon noticed that in a Jim Jordan tweet, Rod Rosenstein said he is doing what his oath of office requires him to do.

64) Yesterday, FBI director Chris Wray joined the heads of other intelligence agencies as they addressed the security of the nation's elections.

65) #Qanon reposted the FBI oath of office crumb from July 25th and hinted that the statements made by Rosenstein and Wray may demonstrate that they're on the same page.

66) Maybe.

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