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Blogs:; poetry:; 'They shall bear thee upon their hands...'

Aug 4, 2018, 15 tweets

Jeff says: 'It should be zero tolerance to Islamophobia if there isn’t why the hell should there be no to Anti-Semitism??'

News of #TomWatson has reached LPF. Luckily there is the all-purpose answer of a Chomsky video.

Group admin rooting for Peter Willsman.

On your Marx: calling Joan Ryan merceneray...

How Jeremy saved Ralph Miliband's reputation...

No words.

LPF. What we should be talking about. what we shouldn't be talking about. Incidentally, membership has dropped by 20 this last week. I wonder if they're leaving because they think there's a spy copying their comments & posting them on Twitter. #Paranoid

Far right thugs attack a TUC bookshop. Instead of saying 'Damn shame, I hope they weren't hurt,' they ask 'Are the Blairites saying anything about this?'

Ayesha again.

Mike has a thing about the UN being run by Zionists. It's a hard case to argue.

How to keep up with the news.

The right side of history and the wrong side of history.

Sykes' videos are the movie equivalent of Angela Ormerod's memes.

'The plan to destroy Britain from within.' And there's the admin entering into this lunacy.

As @mishtal pointed out in Beyond the Great Divide, 'Nobody today can keep up with the antisemitism running through the Labour Party.' I'll stop here. The forums should change their names to 'Against People Talking About #LabourAntisemitism. Zimbabwe? Nothing as yet.

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