Scott Hechinger Profile picture
Civil rights attorney. Longtime public defender. Dad. Executive Director, Zealous. Fighting everyday to share the truth about public health & safety.

Aug 5, 2018, 5 tweets

Don’t let him distract you. *This is what he doesn’t want you to watch. His deportation force violently stealing away a man who has lived in this country for 25 years & then strangling the woman who had the courage to film it.

If ICE is outside your door, don’t panic, and remember: YOU HAVE RIGHTS. Even if you do everything right, they still may enter. View #WeHaveRights series from @ACLU + @BklynDefender & be prepared. WeHaveRights.Us

If ICE forcefully makes their way inside of your home, remember: YOU HAVE RIGHTS. View the #WeHaveRights series that @ACLU + @BklynDefender partnered on & be prepared. 4 scenarios. 7 languages. WeHaveRights.Us

If ICE approaches you in the street, your community, at work, or in court, remember: YOU HAVE RIGHTS. View the #WeHaveRights series that @ACLU + @BklynDefender partnered on & be prepared. 4 scenarios. 7 languages. WeHaveRights.Us

If you or your loved one is *arrested by ICE, know this: YOU HAVE RIGHTS. View the #WeHaveRights series that @ACLU + @BklynDefender partnered on & be prepared. 4 scenarios. 7 languages. WeHaveRights.Us

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