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Blogs:; poetry:; 'They shall bear thee upon their hands...'

Aug 7, 2018, 8 tweets

'Taking the world by the financial throat.' Just criticism of Israel of course. Jeremy Corbyn's fan base.

The steady emission of #LabourAntisemitism is a lubricant for Corbyn's supporters.

They like to vindicate Willsman's rant. 'This furore is being created by the other 87% who don’t support Labour.'

Easy to mock them, but it isn't funny.

Lol Mal, lol.

They SO want to come out as A/S and some do. Corbyn doesn't have this luxury. Well, maybe on PressTV.

They discuss. They don't always agree but as you see, they listen respectfully to each other's views. Topic: the various ways Israelis are nazis.

'And what are you going to do about it?' asks Fiona Cheyne Forde. Well nothing, Fiona. What could anyone do?

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