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Aug 8, 2018, 6 tweets

The deficit is about to hit $1 trillion and Republicans want more tax cuts for the rich, we can’t even provide people with health insurance but sure — soldiers on Mars, because #IdiocracyIsADocumentary

Mike Pence is out here making the case for Trump's "Space Force" because "Idiocracy" is a documentary.

Pence announces the Trump administration wants "$8 billion in our space security systems over the next five years."

That means the administration is demanding roughly $30 billion combined for troops on Mars and Trump's monument to racism. #winning

Tough guy Mike Pence is deploying his withering gaze again. Other countries tremble in fear!

Here's a GIF of @VP Pence trying really hard to look super tough and intimidating. The aliens on Mars must be scared! #SpaceForce #Derp

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