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Aug 8, 2018, 23 tweets

Vaccine-preventable diseases include:
Cervical cancer
Hep B
Japanese encephalitis
Yellow Fever
Protected together, #VaccinesWork!

Vaccines prevent deadly diseases.


Immunization is our shield against serious diseases🛡

#VaccinesWork to protect individuals and communities!

If we stop vaccination, diseases that have become uncommon will return. Vaccines are a great tool that can eliminate diseases from the map. #VaccinesWork!

Every year, immunization prevents 2-3 million deaths and additional illnesses and disabilities from 26 diseases. #VaccinesWork!

Through childhood, adolescence and into adulthood #VaccinesWork to protect health at every stage of life no matter where you live.

Yes, #VaccinesWork! Today, more children than ever before are being immunized. As a result, child mortality, birth defects and lifelong disabilities are declining📉

Diseases know no borders.

Despite millions of lives being saved through immunization each year, outbreaks are still occurring, due to low immunization coverage in many parts of the world.

#VaccinesWork to ensure we are protected together!

Vaccines have been one of the biggest success stories of modern medicine.

Vaccines protect people, #VaccinesWork!

Ensure you and your family are fully protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.

Check with your doctor to see if your vaccinations are up-to-date.

Yes, #VaccinesWork!

Outbreaks anywhere are a threat everywhere. With vaccines, we can prevent epidemics. #VaccinesWork!

Whether you are young or old, #VaccinesWork to make the world a healthier place for everyone.

Globally, 1 out of 10 children never receive any vaccination. This must change. #VaccinesWork to ensure #HealthForAll!

Here is what you can do to soothe a child during vaccination. #VaccinesWork!

Immunization is one of the most successful and cost-effective means to help children grow into healthy adults. #VaccinesWork!

About 116 million children worldwide receive basic vaccines every year, but more than19 million children still miss out.
#VaccinesWork, Let's make sure NO child is left behind!

Vaccines protect against 26 diseases.

Vaccines save lives.


#VaccinesWork to save lives.

Vaccines prevent more than 2 million deaths every year.

Vaccines are safe and effective. #VaccinesWork!

Too many people still aren’t reached with life-saving vaccines.

Globally, 1 in 7 children are excluded from the full benefits of vaccination.


When immunization rates are high, the wider community is protected.

#VaccinesWork! We can be protected together!

Vaccines provide better immunity than natural infections, #VaccinesWork!

Giving several vaccines at the same time reduces discomfort for the child and has no negative effect on a child’s immune system. #VaccinesWork!

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