Ella Cruz♦️⭐️⭐️🗽⭐️⭐️♦️#CrimesAgainstChildren Profile picture
Author of "RING OF THE CABAL" @GenFlynn @RudyGiuliani @StephenBannon @SebGorka @TedCruz @DineshDsouza @FiveRights @ThomasSowell #TCOT #CCOT #MAGA #DefendMen

Aug 9, 2018, 5 tweets

This is a channel 4 kids. The cover pic is only a surgical scalpel. The person plays with objects like talking with children. The objects which R cut R metaphoric. They can all B replaced by a baby. It is 1 of the most disgusting vids on Utube & poisonous to children.

Link of the channel here: youtube.com/user/runforthe…
and they are produced by sickos in H3H Productions. They mock their own videos to desensitize ppl about them. There is nothing funny or comic in these vids. Their twitter page is wired too

This is their twitter page.

I am actually not surprised when he is a close buddy to Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon

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