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Our city is becoming unlivable. We, the citizens, must shape the future of the city. UnitedBengaluru17@gmail.com

Aug 11, 2018, 5 tweets

Bengaluru Citizens unite to protest against rampant illegal commercialization and proposed redevelopment of Indiranagar BDA Complex in violation of NGT order.

MPs @rajeev_mp @PCMohanMP and @mla_raghu support citizens' protest.


MPs @rajeev_mp and @PCMohanMP warned that fierce protests will continue if the State Government, BBMP and BDA doesn't act against illegal commercialization and drop the proposed plan of redevelopment of #Indiranagar BDA complex.


MPs @rajeev_mp @PCMohanMP and @mla_raghu along with @unitedbengaluru & @icindngr will meet @BBMPCOM and #BDA Commissioner to demand strict implementation of NGT order and Zoning Regulations.


Bengalureans have always been proactive in reclaiming #Namma #Bengaluru.

We thank all citizens, MPs @rajeev_mp @PCMohanMP, @mla_raghu for supporting today's protest against illegal commercialization & proposed redevelopment of Indiranagar BDA complex.


MPs @rajeev_mp @PCMohanMP and MLA Raghu along with @unitedbengaluru will meet @DCPSouthBCP to demand strict implementation of Supreme Court order on loud music in Pubs and Bars.


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