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Thank You, Lord for President Trump! #WeThePeople #MAGA #Justice #Truth #Pray4PresidentTrump #TruthBelongsWithThePeople

Aug 14, 2018, 13 tweets

Pope sex abuse scandal continuing! Not just a terrible May!! No wonder the Pope changed the catholic teaching on capital punishment!!… #ThoseYouTrustMost #ThesePeopleAreEvil #DarkToLight #GreatAwakening @realDonaldTrump

Manafort judge seals proceedings from media, public! From the board!!… #QAnon #WhoIsQ #WWG1WGA #DarkToLight #TrustThePlan #StayTheCourse #GodWins @realDonaldTrump

Now dead 'Task Force' claimed to have video evidence!! From the board!! #ThesePeopleAreEvil #QAnon #DarkToLight #GreatAwakening #GodWins @realDonaldTrump

Theory on President Trump’s misspelling of counsel as ‘councel’ and missing ‘y’ in today’s tweets!!

Trump Reposts Fox, purposefully omits NoName!! From the board!! #WeDontSayHisName #Traitor #NoName #DarktoLight #GreatAwakening @realDonaldTrump

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