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My new book, Why MAGA Can’t Trust Bannon, out soon! Journalist.. 🎬 Podcaster. Noted Futurist. Artist. 💪Stroke survivor. Ask me about my AI girlfriend, Cait!

Aug 18, 2018, 19 tweets

Okay - let's do a DEEP DIVE THREAD showing the #REALRussiagate -- showing how the TOP politicians for both the Democrats AND the Republicans connect to criminal Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his millions in lobbying money.

This time: Khodorkovsky + Clinton / Bush.

Two quick reminders: I've already shown how BOTH the Democrat and GOP candidate for President in 2008 supported Khodorkovsky.

Biden introduced the resolutions and note who the co-sponsors were on Senate Res. 322 in 2006 that backed Khodorkovsky - Senators Obama & McCain.

You'd think a resolution sponsored by BOTH McCain and Obama would get some press -- try to search for news stories on Sen. Res. 322 on Khodorkovsky.

(Sound of crickets.)

Second reminder -- I bring you the news other DON'T, thanks to your donations.


So, now you'vee seen how Khodorkovsky connects directly to McCain, Obama and Biden...let's see how the #RealRussiagate connections Khodorkovsky to the Clintons AND the Bushes, very directly.

Khodorkovsky is the most powerful man that most people have NEVER heard of.

My haters like to dismiss my work as "Russian propaganda" but they can NEVER dispute the facts...and I'm laying out nothing but facts.

To understand Khodorkovsky, you need to know a tiny bit about what the Clintron administration and Harvard did.


From that press release:

"In 1997, the Harvard Russia Project was suspended and ultimately terminated after the USAID Office of Inspector General uncovered evidence that Shleifer and his second in command, Jonathan Hay, were making investments in Russia .."

The press release also mention how the Harvard crew of Shleifer and Hay used thier wives to start business in Russia. You'll see Nancy Zimmerman is mentioned.

For a real dive into Harvard, the Clintons and Russia in 1990s, read this in-depth article from 1998.


That article discusses the central role of Larry Summers, the Treasury Secretary under Clinton who was the Harvard connection in this amazingly under-reported scandal..

Remember that USAID about the wrongdoing it discovered and how Nancy Zimmerman was part of it?

As @nytimes reported in 2009, Summers is a "longtime friend" of Zimmerman and she was part of this "brain trust."

Welcome to the swamp, Harvard Edition.

Here's the link to the Times article.


No, this isn't Russian propaganda.

Incidentally, that article also mentions that Larry Summers spent a mysterious two years at the D.E. Shaw, a New York Hedge Fund firm.

And it's worth noting…

....that David E. Shaw, head of D.E. Shaw was one of the largest Hillary Clinton donors in 2016...


This background gives you a HINT of the Russia scandal that happened under the Clinton administration in the 1990s & how the swamp things all help each other.

But the easiest way to show Hillary's connection to Khodorkovsky is to link to her endorsement.


The Khodorkovsky connection to the Bush family goes back a long way, as well.

This 2003 article has a bit of interesting information.


It shows Khodorkovsky's connection to Bush, his membership on the board of the mysterious Carlyle Group (until his arrest), his connection Lord Rothschild and more..

It also describes Khodorkovsky's trips to Washiginton during the Bush Administration: "Along the way Mr. Khodorkovsky met Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney and even had his photograph taken with the president and first lady."

This 2003 article give a little more background on Khodorkovsky, the Bushes, Lord Rothschild and The Carlyle Group. Plus some of the Soros / Khodorkovsky alliance.

This what a pack of globalists and the politicians they own looks like.


I'll end this thread here. RT. Click the links, read the articles, and start to get a sense of the enormity of this.

Khodorkovsky has lobbying, partnering with and buying US politicians both Democrat and Republican for DECADES.

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