Noche Oscura Profile picture
Deprogrammer. Liminal Midwife.

Aug 20, 2018, 15 tweets

We all know Marilyn Manson is dark, but just how dark does he get? VERY. WARNING: DISTURBING CONTENT.Just take a look at this thread! #Pedophile #Pedogate #Pedovore #HumanTrafficking #Illuminati #Luciferian #SatanicRituals

He’s definitely into self harm and just look at his pedophile tattoo.

Ace of spades = death/murder. Pandas are a pedophile symbol. Look up the definition of Panda Eyes- DISTURBING! Look at what the knife says: CANNIBAL

Please note the comments he puts on his pics and their content.

He certainly ADMIRES known pedophiles, Roman Polanski and Terry Richardson.

Look at this newspaper article where he is quoted, asking for young boys to have sex with and he goes on and on about “Pizza”.

Not normal pics with kids.

He dated Dita Von Teese. Take a look at her huge ring! Pedophile symbol!

What’s most disturbing about him are his lyrics. He talks about kids, rape and pedophilia. Here are some examples.

The worst pics of all from this thread, show a kid locked in a cage on stage during one of their early shows. It is even discussed in one of the Manson autobiography books.

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