Steve Svensson Profile picture
USN Vet. Desert Storm Vet. Anti Semitic. Not Politically Correct Dislike organized religion Master Electrician. Followed by those interested in truth Parakletos

Aug 24, 2018, 6 tweets

Someone on 8ch called
posted some pics and said
that Mollie Tibbetts Dad was/is in deep.

HOK is the USGBC’s official design partner for Project Haiti, the replacement of an orphanage and children’s center that was severely damaged in the 2010 earthquake.

William Jefferson Clinton Children's Center
Port-au-Prince, Haiti…

What are shovels for?

My opinion.
The Google Gnome logo was put up June 10th, 11th.
The missile in Washington (Whidbey) was shot June 10th.
Look at Googles logo.
Missile was taken out, so Comey responds with threat (Garden Gnome in Iowa, young cornfield in Iowa) and possible orders (sleeper)

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