Dena Grayson, MD, PhD Profile picture
Ran for Congress. Lover of #science, truth and democracy.

Aug 25, 2018, 10 tweets


Tomi Lahren appears at a campaign rally for @GOP candidate for Senate in #AZ, Kelly Ward.

There is a **Nazi Symbol** on the front of the stage, right next to Ward’s campaign sign‼️🤬


Ward’s campaign rally was hosted by “Gunsite,” which uses a Nazi symbol as its logo. Gunsite offers firearm training & free pistol training for school leaders.🙄

And a @GOP Senate candidate held a rally there & put her own campaign sign right next to a **Nazi symbol**‼️

No surprise, @GOP Kelli Ward, who openly campaigns with **Nazi symbols** on her campaign rally stage, is a YUGE supporter of @realDonaldTrump.🤬


On the same day that @SenJohnMcCain ends medical treatment, Kelli Ward, @GOP candidate to replace junior #AZ Senator @JeffFlake, openly campaigned at a place that touts a **Nazi symbol** as its logo‼️

They don’t even hide it.🙄

cc @kyrstensinema @DNC

The source for the photo of Tami Lahren’s appearance at a campaign event for @GOP Senate candidate, Kelli Ward, with a **Nazi symbol** prominently displayed is @KyungLahCNN.

cc @Acosta

It's VERY difficult to imagine how @GOP Senate candidate Kelli Ward's campaign was NOT aware of the Nazi symbol:

👉🏼Ward's event held at Gunsite
👉🏼Gunsite's homepage features the Nazi symbol
👉🏼Ward's campaign event stage had campaign signs next to Gunsite signs w/Nazi logo

Confirmation: the address for Nazi-symbol-bearing Gunsite is the same as the address as the event for @GOP candidate Kelli Ward, as advertised by Tomi Lahren.

👇🏼Here’s a side-by-side comparison of Gunsite’s logo with the “Parteiadler” — the emblem of the Nazi Party.

And @GOP Senate candidate Kelli Ward displayed Gunsite’s logo on her campaign’s event stage.🤬

The @ADL_National has details on the adoption of the Nazi Eagle by white supremacists.…

Lest you think that Gunsite's logo is "just" an eagle (not a Nazi symbol), founder Jeff Cooper has a track record of praising Nazis and awarded firearm students a Scharfschützenabzeichen, a badge awarded to Nazi soldiers w/great sniper proficiency.

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