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Artist & Coffee fiend Sharing cool art, history, dogs and pets, and oh yeah, true crime.

Aug 29, 2018, 5 tweets

#Qanon posted a link to an ongoing investigation into Anthony Weiner's laptop showing some shenanigans with the Clinton Foundation, emails, exploitation of children, child pornography
Read it yourself here justice.gov/file/1071991/d…
#pedogate #pedovore #pizzagate

More from the investigation into Hillary's emails on Weiner's laptop mixed in with child porn, clinton foundation and classified emails

another excerpt from the ongoing investigation


At the end of the day, Huber has everything and dropping the hammer on the muh Russia business is going to open the floodgates to the Clinton/Huma/Weiner/ClintonFoundation and it's all falling hard. Watch and see.

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