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USN Vet. Desert Storm Vet. Anti Semitic. Not Politically Correct Dislike organized religion Master Electrician. Followed by those interested in truth Parakletos

Sep 1, 2018, 22 tweets

Welcome to Chapter 9
Alice finishes up croquet game , and realizes the Queens power is projected.
The Queen has the Gryphon take Alice to the
Mock Turtle
Public becomes more aware of Hillary's crimes.
More human trafficking camps are found

Last night, Q again pointed to the Alice & Wonderland theme
Drop #2050

Let's just call chapter 9
Hillary's bad month.

In chapter 9. the Dutchess tries to touch Alice inappropriately, making Alice uncomfortable.
A reflection of Lewis Carrolls real experiences?
It's time the world learns about

Why the white rabbit costumes?
They eat their own.

Ready for a real witch hunt?

They never thought she would lose.

Hillary was literally being set to to be Queen of the world.

This series of emails suggests that Hillary/Oscar Flores/Cheryl Mills were all involved in getting Kidnapping charges dropped against Laura Silsby and crew.

Maybe the term "down under" has double meaning, ie rabbit hole.
Why would the Australian govt try to subvert US elections to get Hillary elected?
Probably same reason Australia insisted on taking over MH370 bogus search.

Which leads us to secret satellites.
Have they been blinded?…

This is where it all began to click for me, I bought the book at a yard sale, and opened up the page with the invitation to the Queens garden...

And sure enough, Kim Jung Un tours the Gardens while in Singapore.

This month, the Gryphon becomes an important character.
Half lion, half eagle, forces the mock turtle to tell it's history.
Who was Jello spokesman for a long time?

Will people ever know his real crimes?

They all belong to the same sick cult.

Who is the Mad Hatter (Marty Torres) in Hillary's Alice in Wonderland?

According to the email, Marty Torrey lived in Saratoga Springs, NY

"Torrey is the son of Barry and Tiffany Torrey and the grandson of Marty Torrey, chief of staff for former U.S. Rep. John Sweeney. Clinton met Marty Torrey in Washington when he was working for Sweeney. "

Is John Sweeney the Mad Hatter (Marty Torrey)?.
Notice Torrey signs off with J several times.

"Sweeney has three adult children from his first marriage. He lives in Clifton Park, New York. He has two young children with his wife, Erin, and two step-children"

Whomever Marty Torrey is, apparently feels comfortable on Rt 9 Hyde Park…

Hyde Park, a center of weird activity.

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