1. Wow! #QAnon posts a coded drop: Both Chambers (House/Senate) in SESSION tomorrow --->"Declass"
Where once there was DARK there is now LIGHT!!
1 - D-1
2 - E-2
3 - C-3
4 - L-4
5 - A-5
6 - S-6
2. #QAnon coded drop spells D-E-C-L-A-S suggesting @realDonaldTrump or Sessions to declassify the FISA docs. HO to @LindaFeathers for the graphic! #Q
3. #QAnon With Democrat love of Sessions comes trust! Brilliant. President Trump changed golf plans, the White House said the president canceled his golf outing to make phone calls on trade. #Q
4. #QAnon President Trump also canceled his Labor Day golf outing with much going on in the Levant: remaining Isis/al Qaeda stronghold in Idlib.#Q
5. #QAnon drops 9/2/18 "Op Specialists", & "Magic Sword", also in 9/3/18 drop. With prior days' news of chem attack prep "[pre-event]", did #Q signal thwarting of another #DeepState Syrian #FalseFlag: "save 'Rebels'=ISIS" #Q
6. #QAnon asks "who ordered" the gigantic clean-up of the filth that was corrupting the FBI and DOJ? Clue: "[PDB]"
Presidential Daily Briefing <========||
7. #QAnon cites #DeepState #Clowns ordinarily staging a #FalseFlag attack when bad news is about to drop. See something, say something.
8. #QAnon's direct communications are necessary. - ---<>
Sessions signs top level DOJ & FBI firings.
Believe clickbait prop or logical thinking?
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
10. #QAnon notes #MockingbirdMedia's coordinated parrotting as our #EnemyOfThePeople in chronological order, but, you know, "With love comes trust." #Q
Trump blasts Sessions
11. #QAnon - @Jack found a more stealth way to suppress our tweets since lifting the QFD (Quality Filter Discrimination) shadowbanning in time for his DC testimony. "Twitter re_engages 'shadowbanning' across entire platform….
You've been a BAD boy" [Nancy Pelosi]'s stooge.
12. #QAnon'd dropped an excerpt of talks between Jack Dorsey & Nancy Pelosi on 5/16/18, though some anons think [NP] may (also?) refer to Nick Pickles, Twitter's Senior Policy Strategist. #Q
13. #QAnon: IG told #HRC 3/2011 of dramatic hacks into her home server incl her "compromised home systems.. reconfigured by [Chinese] actors to automatically fwd copies of all composed emails to an undisclosed recipient” & targeting gov ppl's Gmail. #Q fas.org/sgp/othergov/s…
14. #QAnon Dems desperate to stop Kavanaugh, but
"Pain comes in many different forms.
Full control.
Enjoy the show."
#Q lists select #HRC tweets (to follow):
16. #QAnon: "If she cared about protecting you…
Would she sell out America’s secrets and Uranium to China/Russia"? 📁
17. #QAnon "They always thought if charges were brought [against them] they would ultimately be safe [because they thought they would control the Supreme Court]".
Full Control.
Enjoy the Show.
18. #QAnon Beginning with the "[187]" of "[`previous Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia being] out, [it was HRC who was supposed to be making the] appointment(s)
End of all ends.
19. #QAnon "Did Anthony Kennedy have a choice?
Was this the original plan according to HRC election win?
What evidence was he shown?"
21. #QAnon Senator Jon Kyl to succeed No Name in the Senate. Progress.
22. #QAnon The list grows longer. Have we ever seen this number of corrupt and incompetent elected officials step down or out in such a short time? Given no choice. Chicago will benefit.
24. #QAnon No Name worked for ISIS & Muslim Brotherhood, whose stated goal is to destroy America from within. He was a traitor.
27. As #QAnon predicted:
"Twitter denies the 'current' adoption of 'shadowbanning' re: political viewpoints etc…..no discrimination etc…..pride ourselves re: no censorship etc……open and transparent etc….."
28. #QAnon 6/30/18, "SC vote to confirm (coming). No Name action. Every dog has it's day. Enjoy the show". Now we have the start of Kavanaugh hearings & announcement re: Sen Kyl to succeed No Name. What are the odds of knowing this'd all go down this way months ahead? #Q
29. #QAnon "A Week to Remember." americanthinker.com/articles/2018/…
DECLASsifying the [20] redacted FISA pages. "FISA[20].jpg". @DevinNunes said "the American ppl'll be “shocked” when they see what's in the still-redacted portions" of the Carter Page FISA applications."
31. Link to most recent prior #QAnon thread: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1036417…
#Q #HRC #DeepState
33. #QAnon links to a comical vid on Reddit:
34. An anon keen to looking deeper into #QAnon's posts, observes that the HRC character in #Q's humorous link above (33.) is taken down on the 17 yard line, (Q being the alphabet's 17th letter).
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