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Sep 4, 2018, 9 tweets


Twitter & FB execs (Jack & Sandberg) will hopefully squirm in front of Congress about algorithms, shadow banning, throttling, and censorship.

#TrumpTrainPortal 🌪…

The countdown video link is here.👇🏻…

💥Just over 30 minutes to go for Jack to do some 'splaining. Let's hope he isn't thrown poof balls like they tossed gently to Zuckie-boy. We need a accountability! 😡

#TrumpTrainPortal 🌪

💥Jack said that Twitter needs to be able to "play" with algorithms & make mistakes. 🤔

These mistakes seem to hit only conservatives. He also said that our tweets are only guaranteed to be seen by our own followers. Isn't this the definition of a shadow ban?


💥The same yappers who are protesting the Kavanaugh Confirmation are at the hearing where Jack Dorsey is testifying. Is there any rhyme or reason to the thinking by those nut jobs? 🤪

A Congressman broke out in an auctioneer bit to drown her out! 😂


#TrumpTrainPortal 🌪

I can't believe what I just heard from @RepSarbanes at the Jack Dorsey hearing. He called the Republicans investigation into Twitter censorship of conservatives a "conspiracy theory" & was a waste of their time. I've got 2 words for off! 😡🤬

#TrumpTrainPortal 🌪

5 minute recess in the Jack Dorsey hearing...

Well folks, it's another circus. It will most likely result in nothing being done to protect our #1A rights as citizens and conservatives. Blast Twitter anyway...😡

#TrumpTrainPortal 🌪

Just another 🐶🐎 show 👇🏻👁👁

And I'm out folks! Nothing but poof balls being lobbed at Jack. Also, Jack said that he could not give a time frame in which Twitter could be made a fair and impartial platform for everyone. Smdh...

#TrumpTrainPortal 🌪

Thank you!

The "yapper" I posted about above was Laura Loomer. We couldn't hear what it was about. That was definitely worth it! Reverify @LauraLoomer!!


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