Snow White ⏳ Profile picture
#FollowSnowWhite My intention is the prevention of the lies! Fulfilling my fiduciary response abilities to my fellow man. #MAGA Peace Ambassador, Majestic D5

Sep 5, 2018, 8 tweets

No offline comms ;) 🍿

Oh well ...


Found the #Qanon Clip #WeaponOfChoice #Voice

Halfway between the gutter and the stars...

Q has the best rogue dance moves! #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #Trust

Was told it was lame... not even worth the price of the 🍿 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lamest #Qanon shill every 😂😂😂 Laughing so hard right now... if anyone believes this I have some beach front property in Arizona 4 sale! @JackPosobiec you have been had, in a box, this is hilarious! ThanQ for the laugh! BTW I can create chat logs too HaH

Even funnier... tweet is unavailable now! Apparent #Qfaker 😂😂😂


Update on the failed microchip troll

@JackPosobiec were you in on it?


Biggest red flag? Q aim is ending cruel injustice, taking manufactured violence & war from the world!

#Qanon Movement is a peaceful, non-violent global action by #WeThePeople asking questions, researching, seeking answers & solutions TOGETHER, UNITED! #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening

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