irony of life Profile picture
1 improbable event can have a disproportionate impact. Retweets are acknowledgement, not endorsement. Tweets are "opinionated", "always biased" & "self-serving"

Sep 6, 2018, 6 tweets

1. @PreetBharara @KamalaHarris @SenatorLeahy #StopKanavaugh #KavanaughConfirmationHearings Mr. Kavanaugh -@POTUS has slept with pornstars? Should he get a break? Can you define abhorrent?

2. Has @realDonaldTrump aka @potus done the same?

3. What questions would you like @realDonaldTrump to answer? Similar to these? Can we replace Lewinsky with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal?

4. Is it fair to say that #ACA is a tax and not a right? Either ways the law is constitutional , right?

5. If a President is incompetent and may have committed unconstitutional/illegal acts, does the country gain or lose from investigating the@potus?

6. Just for our benefit, can you define tradition. Also since our founding fathers adopted the Constitution in 1787, kindly enlighten us on the tradition regarding which traditional semi-automatic weapon were they referring to? RemingtonR-15, Armalite,others?

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