Rosie Memos Profile picture
Digging for truth but twitter likes to say it's not available. Expert level typo maker.

Sep 7, 2018, 10 tweets

🤔 1. Something just didn’t sit right about @KamalaHarris and her aggressive and arrogant questions about Kasowitz Benson Torres with #Kavanaugh she obviously had an angle. Perhaps it has to do with her husband, a lawyer, that has a history with the law firm?

2. Douglas Emhoff represented the Beverly Hills Unified school against the @TheJusticeDept role was terminated in 2013 but what do you know, look who else is on the case @KasowitzLLP unclear if they ever worked together but they certainly communicated.

3. Hubby landed a pretty sweet gig as shareholder in DLA Piper last year and swore in to the D.C bar. It’s already swampy.

4. Here is where it gets very interesting, Brian Kaplan was partner as Kasowitz Benson Torres and then became partner at DLA Piper. It would also appear the two firms compete with each other when looking at cases.

5. In fact last year a judge disqualified both firms for conflict of interest in a contract dispute. One would think ethics would cross the mind of @KamalaHarris but we all know she doesn’t have any.

6. @KasowitzLLP has over 250 lawyers it would be impossible for #Kavanaugh to answer if he’d spoken to one from there as he’s spent the last 2 months talking to EVERYONE.

7. Was @SenKamalaHarris attempting to smear her hubbies competitor? Or did Douglas Emhoff use his relationships to violate attorney client privilege? Something isn’t right she had an angle hopefully @marckasowitz caught how odd the exchange was. Maybe @OfficeGovEthics can look?

8. Either was #KamalaHarris you should know that Kavanaugh has gained every ounce of respect that your party lost during this circus you orchestrated and he WILL be confirmed😘 #ConfirmKavanaugh #KavanaughForSCOTUS

9. Oh, even better @SenKamalaHarris KNEW the name so why not just say it directly? So dumb. The entire life blood of @TheDemocrats is innuendo see @AdamSchiffCA he is the master of it.

*WAY 🤣 wouldn’t be me if I didn’t f**k it up

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