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Constitutional Extremist ★ Author ★ GiveSendGo:

Sep 11, 2018, 44 tweets

1) This is my #Qanon thread for September 11, 2017.

Q posts can be found here:

Android apps:

My theme: We Will Never Forget

2) On the morning of September 11, 2001, a firefighter came into our dorm & said to me and my partner, "Come down to the dayroom."

3) We got up and went downstairs. The entire shift had gathered around the TV. We watched in stunned disbelief over the next hour as the twin towers fell.

4) I went home and told my kids what had happened.

343 firefighters died that day,

I wept for those who had died.

I was grateful to be alive.

5) For the next few days, it was all anyone talked about.

6) Over the next few months, one person after another stopped by the station to drop off bakery, and express their gratitude for the work we did.

I will never forget the outpouring of love shown to us during that time.

7) Last night #Qanon posted this.

Something is coming and Q wants the anons to have their memes ready.
Non-NSA based artificial intelligence programs cannot interpret (or censor) memes.

8) #Qanon posted a link to this tweet.

9) They may not have the capability yet, but social media platforms like Facebook are deloping technology that will allow them to interpret and censor memes.

10) #Qanon posted this.

11) #Qanon posted this.

12) #Qanon does not communicate on Facebook, Twitter or any other platform except the board on 8chan. Q has not in the past and will not in the future communicate with anyone about the operation outside of the board.

13) #Qanon posted 2 links.

14) The first link is to a video memorializing the 9/11 attack.
#Qanon #WeWillNeverForget…

15) The second link is a Presidential proclamation declaring today to be "Patriot Day."…

16) #Qanon posted a graphic from the DOJ Inspector General's report showing the relationships between FBI agents and reporters.

The IG noted a concerning trend: Agents having inappropriate contact with the press.

There are also links to a couple of tweets by Mark Meadows.

17) Tweet 1

18) Tweet 2

19) #Qanon posted a link to this article.…

20) #Qanon posted a link to a New York Times article.

21) The article is another hit piece on #Qanon.
Since previous attempts failed, this one is a bit different. The author seems to have actually read some of Q's posts and is learning the language of the culture. Still have a ways to go yet,…

22) My feedback for Mattathias (@Schwartzesque), the new #Qanon student at the New York Times.

23) Coming "Very soon."

24) No meeting for Rosenstein?

26) Wait.... @SallyQYates hired one of the oldest and most respected law firms in the country last week?

I wonder why?

36) Christopher Steele (the author of the dodgy dossier) is asking for an exemption to the US-UK extradition treaty?

37) Nothing to worry about old chap... I'm sure Hillary can fix you up with one of her get out of jail free cards.

39) Enjoy the show.

40) #Qanon

41) #Qanon posted a link to a tweet.

42) Here's the tweet.

43) Some of us are watching General Flynn's Twitter backgrounds as they change.

44) Here's the new background on the General's page.

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