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Strengthening African Machine Learning. 🌍 #Masakhane #IndabaGrandChallenge

Sep 13, 2018, 10 tweets

Dave Silver tells us his principles of Deep RL. 1. Evaluation drives progress. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 2: Scalability determines success.

principles of RL number 3: generality future-proofs our algorithms. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 4: Trust in the agent's experience. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 5: State is subjective. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 6: Control the stream. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 7: Value functions model the world. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 8: Planning is learning from imagined experience. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 9: Empower the function approximator. #DLIndaba2018

Principles of RL number 10: learn to learn. #DLIndaba2018

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