David Carroll 🦣🦋 Profile picture
The Great Hack (2019) https://t.co/yO0993l9hK Mastodon https://t.co/t3lhIXImZC Bluesky https://t.co/WuWhyA9nOo

Sep 14, 2018, 8 tweets

Waiting for NY primary polls to close be like

Hashtag #bluestatelyfe

Early returns show NYC was not sufficiently insurgent against incumbents.

Except for @JumaaneWilliams who leads with 16% reporting

IDC might be goin down

Fukkin DINOs

Me finding gif for when IDC RIP is official

OK seeing politcos calling it: IDC DINOs buh bye #byebyeIDC #NoIDCNY

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