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Sep 16, 2018, 9 tweets

#Kavanaugh friend #MarkJudge
See thread @amyklobuchar

Below are some screens from a few videos Kavanaugh's friend #MarkJudge made..in the name of "art". He has deleted his video accts, but another user was able to copy a few onto a new acct. H/t @riotwomennn

She's got braces ffs.

This next video is more than a little weird. He goes from shots of a scantily clad young girl to illustrations from this book. #MarkJudge #Kavanaugh


He's in the bg on this shot.
Interesting, he took steps to obscure his face too. All I did was enhance lighting.

#MarkJudge is the hs friend of #Kavanaugh who has been id'd as the other male in room when Kavanaugh assaulted a girl in hs

I thought it was a fluke at first, but no, he removed details of his face in this video for some reason. #Kavanaugh #MarkJudge
Cc @Jodi______ @amyklobuchar @Agenthades1 @SpicyFiles @riotwomennn

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