Koko ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿 Profile picture
Artist. Caregiver. Smartass fluent in profanity. #PoliticalJunkie #TheResistance • #blϻ • #ϻϵtϴϴ • #ϵͷδthϵstῖgϻα #FuckCancer #Gastroparaesis 💚 Alt: @OutOfFuqs

Sep 16, 2018, 26 tweets

Hey y'all! It's here.

Tag for an FBR tag list.

All of my tags are vetted and ready to follow back.

Like & Retweet..

Tags will be added in thru the afternoon so check often. Have fun/make some new friends. 💙#StrongerTogether 💙

NOTE(I have left off 3 bc I spelled wrong)



BUT for some reason my list is fucked up. You may be listed twice. If you're not listed at all even though you retweeted my invite post, let me know. 👇🏼

Here's some that wanna be listed and/or I skipped.

If you want be included in my next party DO me


Follow @mscharleys if u aren't already. 😘😘

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