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Futurist, Musician, Curmudgeon Soldier, Evangelist, Itinerant Fruit Picker ExPublisher-WHPress Daily, #AltGov Daily, #Indivisible Times Journalist https://t.co/Oz9fR8jXN1

Sep 18, 2018, 16 tweets

@WomanResistorNC @IndivisiblesNC @SuitUpILM @RepDavidRouzer @HouseGOP @IndivisibleNet 3/ Find Out Who Donates To Your Member of Congress. Who do they Represent?
➡️VoteSmart -- Click "Funding" Folder votesmart.org #Resist #TheResistance #AltGov #Indivisible #SVRAV #StopKavanaugh #MeToo cc .@IndivisibleNet #AltGovDaily #IndivisibleTimes

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