Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲 Profile picture
Mom, AF SMSgt (ret), Fmr Abn Rus Linguist, IC/DoD Contractor, Singer/Songwriter, R+F, Blogger, #Trump2020, #GodWins 🇺🇸 *Opinions are mine.

Sep 19, 2018, 19 tweets

1. Horowitz intro'd Storch, 1st Pres-appted NSA IG on Nat'l Whistleblower Day. Horowitz/Storch > Chair, Council of IG on Integrity & Efficiency incl 73 IGs. Storch: diverse background incl NY prosecutor & DoJ legal adv in Ukraine.……

2. (2/3): Storch CIGIE Whistleblower Ombudsman WG > "leader in the field". Enables cross-org collaboration/info-sharing.
IG Act of '78:…
Sessions appts Huber:…
"Experts" calling for 2nd SC are stalling.

3. (3/3) More fm "experts" on why Sessions should be fired/2nd SC needed. Public spat btwn POTUS & Sessions has D's/left loving Sessions. FBI/DoJ firings approved by Sessions. 50K+ sealed indictments since Huber. CEOs & House/Senate mbrs resigning. 10K+ human trafficking arrests.

4. [RR] tried to stall on POTUS order to DECLAS FISA docs and/or wanted to redact certain parts "to protect sources & methods". HE & his merry band of traitors are the only "sources & methods" he's trying to protect. He FAILED!…
Let's do this thing!!🍿🍿🍿

5. Kudos to @intheMatrixxx for well-deserved shout out fm Q! @realDonaldTrump tweeted re: Dem "Playbook" after Q posted "NEW PLAYBOOK NEEDED?" earlier in the day. Schiff tweeted DECLAS would cross "red line". Q ref'd "red line" in Jan. Future proves past.

6. Past refs to "Castle" appeared to indicate "White House". Is Q telling us WH is secured/POTUS heavily guarded?

7. Our FVEY "allies" in the UK as well as Deep State Swamp/traitors in DC have MUCH to be afraid of once the DECLAS FISA docs are published. #DOITQ!!

8. Q is taking questions and answering on the qresearch board at this time.

9. Anon asks if Q has anything on Trudeau. Appears to be saying billionaires have been 187'd (killed). Canada is one of our FVEY (Five Eyes) intel-shafing partners. They likely helped DS spy on US citizens. Uranium 1 deal funneled to Russia(?) via Canada?

10. Typo in last...should read "intel-sharing".

11. Yes!! Anon asks if @GenFlynn will be exonerated. I love Q's answer!! Patriots protect Patriots, indeed! HOOAH!

12. Anon asks if those resigning will continue to hide behind sexual misconduct. Used as public excuse (shelter) so resignations acceptable reason for resigning. Those announcing bids for 2020 Pres election doing it to prevent POTUS fm attacking "political opponents". Won't work.

13. Q asks 8chan Admin /CM/ (Code Monkey) to divert more resources/bandwidth to /qresearch/ board to handle increased traffic load.

14. Anon asks if a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Q responds "Yes."

15. Wow. Anon asks if we are alone. Q says "No". This info is the highest classification. Thus the need for a Space Force?

16. Some speculate since 20 Sep was sked for Presidential Alert EBS test, which coincided w/vote to confirm Kavanaugh & new test date coincides w/poss new date for confirmation vote, this may be when FISA DECLAS to be published. Kavanaugh is swing SC vote re: military tribunals.

17. Holy cow! 330K IP addresses on the qresearch board at this time. Q asks 8chan Admin (Code Monkey) to confirm resource upgrade/additional bandwidth. Getting a lot of 502 errors.

18. Anon asks if NASA faked moon landings. Q confirms moon landings are real. Space programs exist that are highly classified & not in the public domain.

19. Anon refutes another anon saying qresearch board being attacked (via DDoS = Distributed Denial-of-Service). Sheer massive number of visitors on the board is causing site lag/502 errors. 412K IP addresses now.

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