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John Wesley Fan Club

Sep 21, 2018, 59 tweets



Let's go!!

"Our country is respected again. Remember that" he starts off with.

Guess those calls from his allies went well last night 😂

Trump is freaking FIRED UP. He is yelling.

"Do we love our military?" HECK YEAH WE DO

"Do we love ICE? We need tough people to protect. They're dealing with tough people"

"They respect strength. They respect strength" and we got the strongest man on the planet running our country!!

The fake news will never report his successes "They'll never report it, but it's ok."

"Remember all the phony polls and states we were supposed to lose, and then 8 o'clock the state closes, Donald Trump has won the state of Texas" lol I love election stories.

"Donald Trump has won the state of Texas, Donald Trump has won the state of Utah"

"I thought this was supposed to take all night but we won in a second" LOL

Talking about suppression polls trying to stop people from voting.

"So let's go to a movie, and sadly we'll go home and watch what turned out to be the most exciting night in the history of politics" 😂😂😂

CNN SUCKS chants break out

"You're right, you're right" says President Trump

LOL this rally is awesome so far. High energy.

"Melania sends her regards, she's home right now." We love Melania!!!

President Trump calls up Josh Hawley to speak now.

"How about the leadership of Donald J. Trump, huh?" he says!!

Crowd goes freaking wild lol

"I have to apologize" he said.

Trump told him to get the biggest stadium in the state but they had to turn away 20,000 people tonight lol. Awesome

lol the face Trump has when people are praising him always cracks me up.

Josh Hawley now talking about President Trump picking great judges, including Kavanaugh. Crowd goes WILD. Trump claps.

#ConfirmKavanaugh NOW

"This November, in this state, Missouri, let's make history again. Let's make America great again. Thank you!"

Dang that guy is a good speaker and knows how to praise the President. He'd have my vote if I was in MO.

"Josh is a star, there aren't many of them" VOTE HAWLEY

"Brett Kavanaugh, a fantastic man, she just announced she wouldn't vote for him, can you believe it?"

"He was born for the US Supreme Court, he was born for it. And it's going to happen. It's going to happen"


"Just look at what's now being exposed in our Department of Justice and our FBI. Look at what's going on"

"And I want to tell you, we have great people in the Department of Justice. We have great people."

"But you've got some real bad ones, you see what's happened at the FBI"

"But they're all gone. They're all gone. But there's a lingering stench, and we're going to get rid of that too"

lol he is being vague as everyone else is today. Both sides could take whatever they want from these comments, IE Rosenstein

"We lost a certain vote" on health care LOL

"They all, as a group, want to raise your taxes. Figure the hell out of that one" about the Democrats 😂

He is in rare form tonight.

"The legendary Maxine Waters" turns to the crowd for boos lol.

"I know that you're complacent. I know that the odds are sort of against us. I don't know why."

lol he just said that the polls were all fake but he is driving it home now that we must VOTE

"You gotta get out"

"This November is a vote for..." "massive taxes and I hate to say it, massive crime"

"You ever see what happens when they take the masks off ANTIFA? You have guys that look like they live in mom and dads basement"

"They wear the tough black outfits...I would never suggest this but I would tell you...they're so lucky we're peaceful"

LOL that line

"Donald Trump calls for his supporters to commit violence" blare all headlines tomorrow even though he is talking about the violent deplatforming of the left

"I like watching him, especially when he's upset"

"I think Trump is going to win Michigan, oh no no no no. Remember his hands begin to shake"

LOL I missed which fake news person that was but they are getting it now

lol he did the gesture he did when they said he was mocking the reporter or kind of close, he is definitely doing the same voice now.

"Donald Trump has won the state of Florida, and now the hand is quivering as it goes to the board" on election night.


"The so called resistance doesn't respect the will of the people"

He is back on script, Miller lines:

"But the American people will never ever be silenced" "Will never be intimidated, and this November you will make your voice heard just like you did two Novembers ago"

"I will always protect pre-existing conditions" talking about health care now

He repeated it over and over again.


"The Democrat party, and you know everybody always says The Democratic Party, it's not the name, it sounds better" "It's really the Democrat party and why should I make it sound sweet" LOL

He is YELLING all rally. He is really really fired up. REALLY fired up tonight. The crowd loves it. He is angry. I wonder what's got him so angry today? Probably the RR news but could be anything.

I'd hate to be his enemy right now that's for sure.

"Crime and high taxes" how do the Democrats get away with that as their party platform, Trump asks? LOL

"And if they'd let us build that wall faster, if Congress would give us those funds, the thing I do best is build, I could build that whole thing in a year"

"A lot of people have promised us, right after the election, they're going to approve the rest of the wall. Let's see"

"Ask Israel whether or not a wall works, ask Israel"

"Speaking of Israel, the embassy is now open and happily living in Jerusalem" the crowd full of Nazi's applaud loudly to President Hitler's remarks loving Isreal

He faced a lot of pressure, more pressure than ever to not move the Embassy.

Calling him constantly. So he decided to just do it and then call them after he did it lol.

"Oh hi, whatsup?" he said after he moved the embassy! 😂 Prime Ministers

"I actually had it half signed, I had Donald on it. I said 'what?'"

When asking what he was signing for 1.1 billion dollars lol, it was the embassy. He stopped signing there. "It's a one story building, what?" LOL

So he called up David and David said $130,000 for the site, the best site. "We'll use Jerusalem stone"

"I said David, will you do me a favor, but make it $400,000 ok? Make it beautiful. Make it beautiful"

LOL awesome. This is an amazing rally.

"It's been open for 7 months"

And the world hasn't ended like the media said it would

"We were being ripped off by allies and enemies, we were being ripped off by anybody"

Not this guy. He doesn't get ripped off by nobody.

"Remember "what's he got a magic wand?" Yeah I've got a magic wand"


"Women's unemployment rate has reached it's lowest level in 65 years. I'm sorry. I'm sorry"

"I have failed the women"

"But in a short time it will be the lowest level in history, just like all the others"

"I thought it was going to happen this week actually" 😂

"Look we love the Canadians but, they've done really well because of us the last few years"

LOL Justin, tread carefully

"If they retaliate, we have a lot more to come back with" talking about China and tariffs.

Trade wars are good and easy to win!

"There's no way I should have been put in the position where North Korea and the United States were ready to go to war! I took that over and we are doing very well there too"

"I have a very good relationship"

"They've been working on that relationship for 72 years"

"They're not testing rockets and missiles, they're not testing nuclear"

"So here's there new one. He's not moving fast enough!" The fake news media

"I've been back here for like 3 months" LOL

"Kim Jong Un sent me a beautiful letter two days ago. They're dying to see what's in that letter"

#LettersFromKim trademarked by SHEM!

I had to stop to get his praise of Kim right so he also mentioned Iran though. Hard for their people. #FreeIran

President Trump is again praising the fact he got "Right to Try" laws passed so if you have the right to try experimental medicines, under review, and if somebody is terminally ill "I want to give them the right to try, and now we give them the right to try"


"There's nothing more important than our military."

"There is no substitute in this world for American power and American strength"

and then he goes into the SPACE FORCE!! lol

"So that's basically it folks. I could go on all night. All of the things"

"Last night in Vegas I took out" the list of things and read a ton of them lol

He seems almost tired of how much winning he did in the past and more interested in the future today 😂

"For years you watched as your leaders apologized for America. Now you have a President who will never apologize for America but only will stand up for America"


"Get your friends and your family and your coworkers and get out and vote Republican"


"These courageous patriots did not shed their blood sweat and tears so we could sit at home while others tear down their legacy, erase their history, and sacrifice our proud American heritage"

back on Millers script again. Great lines.

"To all the people outside, you're not as good at real estate as the people inside. We'll get you next time. We love you anyways" about the overflow crowd outside 😂

"We are going to work, we are going to fight, and we are going to win win win"

"We will always fight on to victory. We will always be victorious!"

This freaking speech is amazing. He is FIRED UP. Yelling!!

"And together we will make America wealthy again, we will make America strong again, we will make America safe again, and we will make America great again!!"

The crowd YELLED the last part with him.

*Can't always get what you want plays in the background as Trump exits*



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