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Love God, family and country 100% on the Trump Train. Don't do drama. I block. US🇺🇸👌🙏🏼No DM I Stand with Israel 🇮🇱🇺🇲

Sep 22, 2018, 11 tweets

1. What a time we are living through. As we sit back and watch the current Kabuki theater performance being given by those on the left. Be sure and have your popcorn ready, when it doesn't play out as they have planned. And "Crying Schumer" tells what terrible, uncaring people

2.we are and preach morality. Never lose sight of the history of assault, rape and even death of women, who were and are victims of men on the left. Who they ignored, marginalized, lied on and verbally assaulted. This is the party who booed God on National TV. Denied God

3. three time. This the party of the KKK, Segregation, Jim Crowe. The party who removed prayer from schools and put men in women's restrooms. This is the party who wants to tear down our statues and destroy our history. Disrespect the National Anthem and our men and women in

4. uniform. Burn our flag. This is the party who want to let countless illegals into the country. Because they see their power slipping away, And know how to get votes is to offer free stuff to desperate people. They did it in the 1930's and it worked. They don't care,

5.that there's nothing free. It's we the people, who they call White Supremacist, racist, Nazi's, xenophobes, homophobes and Islamophobic. Who will be paying for it all. As long as it gives them power, they will serve whatever master they must. Spew lies, embrace perversion and

6. label us intolerant. As they pay mobs in the street to silence us. Using violence. They decide what's PC. Because if you don't agree with men in women's clothes 57 genders or murdering babies in the womb. Then you're intolerant. But be a Christian, White male, Black

7. conservative or a Conservative woman and want to express your views and see how vicious they are. I have said this many times and many ways and get little response, but I keep saying it, in hopes it will change one mind. Make one person realize where we are headed if we

8. continue to go in the direction, those on the left want to lead us. Look at every city they've had control of for decades. What have they done for Chicago, Detroit, California etc.? That's what they do every time they get power. And don't anyone think this current performance

9. is about anything, but stopping a Constitutionalist judge, to be seated on the SC. It will bring our court back to applying the law. Not making the law. Keep our free speech, our guns and it threatens their "Sacred Cow" Roe vs Wade. So just as Schumer said "You don't mess

10. with the Intel Community. They've got 6 ways from Sunday, to get back at you". He said, "We will stop the appointment of Kavanaugh, by any means possible". Well they did both and we're still standing. Because this isn't our battle, but God's. He sent us a warrior. We are

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