Tiffany FitzHenry Profile picture

Sep 22, 2018, 10 tweets

Cocaine, rape, underage girls, bribes, DC elite, rock royalty, a top 3 media mogul; for anyone still confused about how the world has worked (until now) this one's for you! So grab a drink and pull up a chair, it's story time.
#DarkToLight #TheGreatAwakening

Set the DeLorean time machine back to November 21, 1980.

The players involved:

#1 Don Henley
#2 Irving Azoff
#3 David Geffen
#4 Stevie Nicks
#5 Lindsay Buckingham
#6 Deborah Jeane Palfrey
#7 Natalie Wood
#8 Hillary Clinton
#9 Bill Clinton

Understand, success at the highest levels has been an exclusive club. These fuckers have been the gatekeepers of our art, the most powerful political heavyweights in the world, the artists elevated to super stardom. But one simple thing brings down the whole house of cards; TRUTH

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