Rosie Memos Profile picture
Digging for truth but twitter likes to say it's not available. Expert level typo maker.

Sep 24, 2018, 9 tweets

Let's just go ahead an debunk that Eshoo hand delivered anything on July 30th, she was getting a new hip that day🤪 #LetterGate

Just need to say a few things about this because I’ve been ranting about #lettergate days. It was was supposedly written by Blasey, why she didn’t sign it nobody knows. WHY so many inconsistencies? July 6th she notified Eshoo’s office..

Yet here Eshoo appears to tell @NewsHour that Ford contacted her office AFTER July 9th, she doesn’t say it but she certainly doesn’t correct it. July 30 letter is delivered to Feinstein in DC... by? Fax? Other reports say by hand. #LetterGate

We also have @RonanFarrow account of #LetterGate which we now know isn't true at all @SenFeinstein asked Ford to write a letter, it wasn't just randomly sent to her or Eshoo. He also says "after interactions with both offices" she decided not to speak?

Here @RepAnnaEshoo says Ford called over 4th of July, met with her chief of staff first then came back and spoke with Eshoo for almost two hours. She says very clearly the letter was "delivered by hand" to @SenFeinstein the same day so no fax. HOW then? Was Ford in D.C?

According to Mercury news Eshoo and Ford met on July 20th in Palo Alto they say Eshoo suggests writing letter ( Eshoo says Feinstein requested it) anyway "staff hand-delivered it to Feinstein’s Washington, D.C., office on July 30" #lettergate…

So this 13-term Democrat is connected with all the loudest Dems, she clearly made no decisions herself on July 30th because she was in surgery and if in fact the letter was delivered by hand Ford had to be in D.C unless someone hopped on a plane? THIS STINKS. #LetterGate

Should be noted Eshoo's staff had to correct the Mercury article, they probably realized she was lying too much. If you watch her interviews she certainly has a script, she even backtracks to remind everyone "I told her I believed her"

#TERMLIMITS please also can media at least TRY for some sort of accuracy? This is important and we know you don't care because it fits your agenda but you're looking like absolute amateurs, pull it together.

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