Tokaise Profile picture
Love God, family and country 100% on the Trump Train. Don't do drama. I block. US🇺🇸👌🙏🏼No DM I Stand with Israel 🇮🇱🇺🇲

Sep 26, 2018, 7 tweets

1. America we still believe in the rule of law. Innocent till proven guilty. Wasn't surprised by our agenda driven politicians, effectively saying an accusation is enough for a finding of guilt or the propaganda arm of the left, the msm, to do their bidding. But Yale law students

2. to do a sit-in. Who's indoctrinating them? The left are daily degrading our society's morals. We debate using words in the public forum, we would only have said in private or not at all. For a candidate for SCOTUS to have to lay his soul bare on National TV, to try and

3. salvage, what was a spotless reputation, before an ungodly group of hypocrites, tried to destroy him. Everyday I see pure evil on display. If Judge Kavanaugh can be tossed to the lions. I don't know how safe any of us are. Why wasn't he shown as much concern as Ford?The

4. Republicans in their effort to treat the accuser fairly, left an innocent man and his family to twist in the wind. Delay after delay as his reputation became fodder for all to dissect. Predictably, following the left's script for maximum damage. I may be wrong, but I don't

5. expect to ever see anyone but Kavanaugh testify. The others fear perjury. There the left will try to smear him one last time, that is if there isn't a sham protest. Where the left will refuse to participate and gallantly stand for victims, justice and fair play. They have no

6. conscience, no ethics no place to low to go. It's about power and refusing to accept the result of an election. Not about justice, never was. This is an attack on our justice system and White men. We should all be afraid for people so devoid of principles to ever gain power

7. again. Let alone their plans for our future and future generations.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. " Albert Einstein #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 #PrayForkavanaugh

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