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Sep 28, 2018, 13 tweets

Manatt Health is presenting to the NM Legislative Health and Human Services Committee about Medicaid buy-in. Follow along here:… #nmleg #nmpol

What are the goals of a Medicaid buy-in for NM?

How could Medicaid buy-in meet NM’s goals of coverage expansion, affordability, and simplifying coverage?

What Medicaid buy-in options are under consideration in NM?

These Medicaid buy-in options are not mutually exclusive and could be phased in over time.

Here are some of the details about Medicaid Buy-In Option 1, which would be available to people who aren’t eligible for federal financial assistance and don’t have an affordable option through employer or public coverage.

Here are the details for Medicaid Buy-In Option 2, which would be a public option on the marketplace. The state would use a 1332 waiver to improve financial assistance on the marketplace.

Here are details for Option 3, which is a Basic Health Plan (BHP) under Section 1331 of the Affordable Care Act that would be available for people under 200% of the poverty level. Advocates are also considering offering a BHP buy-in option for those who don’t otherwise qualify.

Here are the details for Option 4, a Medicaid Buy-In for All. This would give all people who don’t qualify for Medicaid or Medicare the option to purchase Medicaid as their health coverage. This would allow certain businesses to purchase Medicaid for employees.

Here’s some background info on NM’s current health insurance landscape.

So, how well might these options address our goals of coverage expansion, improving affordability, and simplifying health coverage?

Reminder: these Medicaid buy-in options can be phased-in over a number of years. #nmleg #nmpol

Here is the updated link to the video:…

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