4 Liberty Profile picture
True Patriots never forget. Fight the good fight to recapture R republic from evil bad actors who sacrificed We The People for their gain LET JUSTICE BE SERVED

Sep 29, 2018, 7 tweets

Vincent Fusca was just spotted at the WV Rally.
"2018 will be Glorious!"

cc: @StormIsUponUs @DIXIEDOODLE12 @777KAB1

Another screen cap of "Vincent Fusca" BUT, I'm not sure it's R guy. It could be someone dressed to look like him.
Can't wait for the EVIL to BE GONE.

Some say Too GOOD to be {R}eal but many still believe.

8Chan Bakers are still in the DA[R]K!
But U and I know that
Games R FUN!
cc: @777KAB1

What a great Rally tonight in West Virginia to #MAGA.
Here is R "Vincent Fusca" guy greeting our President as he leaves the stage.

Hope to see more Q&A soon.
Nice catch by anon with "Think Mirror" - caught a Q on our guy!

Just found a couple more screen shots of R guy and gal.
What a wonderful day.

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