Joss Prior❤️🌈 Historically Persecuted🌈❤️ Profile picture
LGBTQ+🌈 Autumnal Disposition I instablock transphobia She/Her/They Dont be a crank 👍

Oct 2, 2018, 77 tweets


#WPUK As we all know are pushing their rampant and virulent transphobia under a veneer of 'reasonable concerns' to the gullible and their transphobic sympathisers....
I would appreciate it if anyone could add examples...

I'm sticking to single pic threads, to make it easier to'll pick up the pattern..

An opinion on the trans community and why it's pointless trying to find middle ground with bigots, followed by their WPUK support...

I believe it is intentional WPUK cultivate this fixed position of it's members and supporters.

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