That Ain’t Right 🌪⏰🇺🇸 Profile picture
🇺🇸🌪🇺🇸🌪🇺🇸🌪🇺🇸🌪🇺🇸 Freedom loving, freedom fighter patriot

Oct 3, 2018, 8 tweets

1. Almost a year ago, our lives were forever changed as thousands first learned of #QAnon and a world so upside down, many found it hard to swallow. But wake up, they did. And since then, millions more woke up and realized a plan is in place to take back our country and world.

2. With the Emergency Alert today, many can now see that it is indeed happening. So here are some of the earliest posts from Q.

3. Earliest Q posts refer to actionable events starting on 11/3 and that the public would be informed shortly after. At the time, with 11/3 having come & gone, we were disappointed. But what if Q meant 2018, not 2017. Just a thought.

4. Some more earlier Q posts. Sometimes it’s good to look back with fresh eyes.

8. ThanQ & our great @Potus for restoring faith & hope in so many Patriots. Some, like myself, had lost hope long ago in a screwed up world. Now I truly believe my kids have a chance to grow up in a world free from corruption, poverty, trafficking, being poisoned & so much more.

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