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Journalist, Writer & Traveller ★ Archived account. Find me on BlueSky or email via linktree - https://t.co/gqdb9EzJ1h

Oct 4, 2018, 10 tweets

Over the last few weeks, I have had an increasing number of Brazilians contacting me with their fears and concerns regarding Jair Bolsanaro, the hardline, Far Right presidential candidate. @DanielaAbade asked whether I could pass on her words regarding him - here's a thread. 1/

Part 2/

Part 3/

Part 4/

Final Part.

I would add that Bolsonaro has stated that he believes that police should be allowed to kill criminals - in a nation where police brutality and excesses are already a significant problem. apnews.com/ba612ea0a99847…

Brazilian women are leading the way in opposition to Bolsonaro, with a massive #elenao / #EleNão ('Not Him') campaign, afraid of the policies he will introduce - he has a long history of misogynist language in his speeches and comments to the media. nytimes.com/2018/09/24/wor…

Bolsonaro was stabbed at a recent rally, but made a recovery. This has sparked further fears of reprisals carried out against those he sees as his political rivals, should he win. telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/09/0…

This is just a quick sketch of Jair Bolsonaro - many Brazilians have a lot more to say about the threat he poses, and I encourage you to seek them out. Hashtags for showing solidarity with those opposing him are #EleNao / #EleNão / #EleNunca.

Solidarity with Brazilians opposing Bolsonaro!

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