On 28 Sep, Goodlatte subpoenaed Simpson (Fusion GPS) to testify.
Baker testified he met w/Sussman (DNC attorney fm Perkins Coie) in 2016 > paid Fusion GPS/Steele for dossier used to obtain FISA warrant.
2. Dems know TRUTH coming out w/FISA docs DECLAS. Trying to shift blame to Russia again. DNC hired Crowdstrike to blame Russia for hacked emails. Wikileaks said it wasn't Russia. His name was Seth Rich.
3. Deep State silencing witnesses?
"A Russian deputy attorney general, who is thought to have directed Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya in her efforts abroad on behalf of Russia's government, reportedly died Wednesday night in a helicopter crash."
4. @realDonaldTrump tweet > zero minute delta with Q drop at
17 min after the hour! Came close to [0:00] delta. 23 sec btwn the two.
5. Reminder. It's not the Russians.
6. Wondering w/the timing of this news if Feinstein is involved. She did have a Chinese spy on her staff for 20 years. Did she enable this? How is she worth $94M on a Senator's salary? How many Dems sold us out to the highest bidder (e.g., HRC's server).
7. HRC sold access to clsfd info incl SAP to foreign entities via unsecured server (Crowdstrike set up) in exchange for large donations to CF. Covert agents in China outed & killed (187). DS Clowns/DARPA/FB in China monitors everything 24/7/365. Collected data used for blackmail?
8. Q team telling Israeli Intel they need to stand down? Not sure what the code is...perhaps some kind of TERMINATION code? We know from past drops MOS-backed covert alt-media affiliates (fake MAGA) used as controlled opposition. "Media assets will be removed." Sounds good to me!
9. It's Sessions Time! Bring on the PAIN! We know he just met w/Huber yesterday. Haven't heard whether or not he met the Goodlatte subpoena deadline today. Didn't find anything about it online.
10. DS knows once FISA DECLAS happens, Mueller SC will be finished & RR will resign, they also know their Kavanaugh smear failed. Now they are going after the Trump family & Foundation alleging illegal activities wrt 2016 election/campaign. Unbelievable.
11. Today's DoJ presser was a head-scratcher. UK/AUS know they're implicated in #SpyGate coup attempt to stop @POTUS before & after 2016 election. They're preemptively getting in front of revelations & will blame "Russian hacking".
12. Sweet! @SecretService granted entry to tonight's rally to MANY wearing Q gear!!
Interesting typo(?)..."r" is missing. 🤔
13. HELL YEAH!!! Let's make some history TOGETHER, Q Warriors!
14. In case there was any question about whether or not anons are ready...I think this may be a record for the number of replies to a Q drop!
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