People ask what #patriarchy is. Think “Jim Crow” and apply it to women—all women. It’s a web of systems, structures, practices and believes that enforce gender hierarchy and silence women. 1/
#This is what #patriarchy looks like in the US right now. 2/
And #patriarchy looks like #this. Yesterday, .@OrrinHatch refused to listen to women and their concerns. 3/…
And #patriarchy looks like #this. Woman caught in adultery brought to Jesus for condemnation, but adultery takes two. Man not even accused. 4/
And #patriarchy looks like #this: Male preachers teaching on #KingDavid and #Bathsheba as an illicit affair. It was not. It was rape. She was taking a bath in same way all women did then. He called for her. She could not say, “No” to a King. Patriarchy erases #poweranalysis. 5/
And #patriarchy looks like this: #Tamar, #KingDavid’s daughter, is raped by her brother. #KingDavid chooses to protect his son, NOT his daughter. Tamar loses absolutely everything. 6/
(Thanks @fixinghereyes for the pic)
*beliefs (auto-correct strikes again 🤦🏾♀️)
God breaks #patriarchy on first page of the Bible. Declares both men and women created in full image of God, therefore equally called by God and created with capacity to steward the world. 7/
And God breaks #patriarchy choosing to enter the world through a woman. Plus, young Mary becomes first theologian in The Gospel interpreting significance of Jesus’ birth, saying “He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted the lowly.” Luke 1:52 #calltopause 8/
And God breaks #patriarchy when Jesus affirms the full image of God in the #womanatthewell. Jesus breaks with patriarchal tradition by speaking with #Samaritanwoman #alone at the well. Engages her in theological conversation. #She become the 1st evangelist in Gospels? #John4 9/
And God breaks #patriarchy when Jesus highlights #WomanwithAlabasterJar saying #herstory of humble, sacrificial love for Jesus would be told wherever the #verygoodgospel is proclaimed! #calltopause 10/
And God breaks #patriarchy when only the women were there to witness Jesus’ death and resurrection and were called to give their testimony to the Disciples. In that moment, 12 men had to choose whether or not they would #BelieveWomen! #calltopause 11/
And God breaks #patriarchy when Peter says of Pentecost: “In the last days...I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, your sons AND your daughters shall prophesy”! This is the verse #pheobepalmer exegeted to win right to preach in Charles Finney revivals! #calltopause 12/
And God breaks #patriarchy when Paul reveals the central role of women in leadership of early church: Prisca, Phoebe, Mary, Tryphaena and especially badass #Junia who was imprisoned with Paul and a prominent #apostle!!! #calltopause 13/
Final note on #patriarchy: It is not enough to say we’re against it. We must all interrogate our own conscious and unconscious beliefs in human hierarchy and the systems, traditions and norms those beliefs built. At home, in church, at work, in governance. #calltopause 15/
I believe God has broken a glass ceiling over the last two weeks; allowing us to peer in at ourselves with a birdseye view to understand how the demon of #patriarchy works. It distorts the world, breaks women, corrupts men and actively blocks God’s justice. #calltopause 16/
Thank you, #ChristineBlaseyFord, for showing us what it looks like to stand up under the weight of #patriarchy. You have demonstrated to all survivors of gender-based violence what it looks like to find and use your voice again. #shalomtoyousister #calltopause 17/
To @JeffFlake .@SenatorCollins @JoeManchinWV @BenSasse: Your words will mean absolutely nothing, if you wield your power in ways that erase the testimonies of the disadvantaged and protect and promote the undeserving powerful. #StillPrayingForYou #CancelKanavaugh #calltopause 18/
Finally: Where patriarchy walks, racism is always close at hand. The two are twins; both born from belief in human hierarchy. Revelation of patriarchy at the highest levels of US Senate is further indication racial bigotry is also in the room. #calltopause #cancelkavanaugh 19/
In fact, with the #BrettKavanaugh nomination, #patriarchy may be doing white supremacy’s dirty work. #calltopause #cancelkavanaugh #protecttheimageofgodinall 20/20
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