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Constitutional Extremist ★ Author ★ GiveSendGo:

Nov 21, 2019, 57 tweets

1) This is my #Qanon thread for November 20, 2019.

Q posts can be found here:

Android apps:

My Theme: It's Time

2) Is it a coincidence that Democratic politicians are trying to impeach President Trump over alleged bad behavior with Ukraine when their own corrupt dealings with Ukraine are been exposed?

3) Q posted a link to a Wikileaks email between Hillary Clinton's campaign team discussing how to remove from the minds of the public the idea that she engaged in quid pro quo as Secretary of State (SoS).

Did you know that Ukraine was the biggest Clinton Foundation donor?

4) Jennifer Palmieri laid out her strategy, suggesting a speech by Hillary where she would explain that she never engaged in quid pro quo.…

5) Other members wondered if it would be possible to have HRC receive only one question and nothing more and if that would be a convincing message about quid pro quo.

6) Democrats in the House are trying to impeach POTUS on the grounds that he requested that Ukraine investigate Joe Biden as a condition of receiving aid.

7) Today, Ambassador Sondland (one of the only people who talked directly to POTUS about aid to Ukraine) said he presumed POTUS tied the aid to an action but was not actually told that by the President.

8) Tonight, Sean Hannity laid out a timeline of events related to the Bidens and Ukraine.

9) Part 2 of Hannity's timeline.

10) John Solomon noted that contrary to the claim of the media, the investigation of Burisma was not over at the time Joe Biden pressured the President of Ukraine to fire Victor Shokin. The investigation was heating up. Which is why Biden pushed for the prosecutor to be fired.

11) Lindsey Graham pointed out that Ambassador Sondland likely fabricated his initial story about aid being connected to action by POTUS but today, under oath and in public, the truth was finally revealed.

12) Lindsey Gram zeroed in on Joe Biden's phone calls to the Ukranian President and his trip there to push for the firing of Victor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma.

Graham will ask Sec of State Mike Pompeo for recordings and transcripts of Biden's communications.

13) Apparently, Q was watching and said it's time for that information to be made public.

Amazing what you can do with a small majority in the Senate. 😎🇺🇸

14) BONUS:
Lindsey Graham said the DOJ IG report on FISA abuse will be out by December 9th sine IG Horowitz will be testifying before his committee on the 11th.

15) When you see a post by Q that sounds puzzling like, "The Senate was the target" do a search to see if that phrase was used previously. The context will often clarify the meaning of the message.

16) The day after the 2018 mid-term elections, people grumbled about the GOP losing control of the House.
Q said: "The Senate was the target."
Investigations that began in the House would move to the Senate.
Lindsey Graham's Judiciary committee plays an important (future) role.

17) Q just dropped a long post.
I've broken it into 6 parts to make it easier to read.

18) Is there a strategic reason why 90% of the media are controlled by a handful of powerful people?

Does the media present objective information or a biased narrative?

When does the media cease to be a source of news and instead, become a source of political propaganda?

19) Does the average person have time to do their own research on current events?

Is there a strategic reason for that?

Do most people think that if the majority believes "x" then "x" must be true?

How does a media echo chamber use key phrases to reinforce narratives?

20) Do the media help control the beliefs of the population?

Why have the media and politicians engaged in a massive, coordinated and sustained (3 year) campaign to portray Trump as an illegitimate President?

21) In the weeks following the 2016 election, were protests and demonstrations organized by powerful people and broadcast by the media to make people believe that the majority of Americans felt he was an illegitimate President?

22) Do those in power use class, race, gender, religion, and political ideology to divide us and keep us fighting against each other so we don't see how they control all of us?

Divided, we are not a threat to them.
When we are united, we have control of our own destiny.

23) Arguments that elicit emotions like fear are used by those who want to control us.

Free thinking requires the use of logic, facts and empirical, objective analysis.

24) Regarding the immediate war on POTUS after the election:
AG Bill Barr:
Opponents inaugurated 'The Resistance' and rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the executive branch.

25) @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 posted a video demonstrating how the media echo-chamber creates a pervasive narrative.
(This video was created by Timothy Burke of Deadspin for demonstration purposes.)

26) Q responded.

27) I'm cautious about 1 and 2-year deltas. I believe some are legit but they can be overemphasized.

If the IG report on FISA abuse does drop on December 9th, it will make for a nice 2-year delta.

H/T @Midnight_Welder

29) Speaking of information warfare...

We know that many FBI officials are under investigation for their crimes against POTUS.

CNN seems worried that Durham and Horowitz are about to destroy their narrative that Spygate is a debunked conspiracy.…

30) Damage control.
(Information warfare.)

31) @Solmemes1 was Q'd for this photo of a bridge overpass in Chicago.

The public is awakening to the corruption of the media.

32) As we become a more important source of information for the public, we assume greater responsibility.

33) @EYEDROPMEDIA was Q'd for this tweet.

34) Meme.

35) Q responded.

36) Today, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Preet Bharara about the seriousness of the report that an FBI employee is being prosecuted for changing an FBI document used to obtain a surveillance warrant on Carter Page.

37) @kim_sax1 pointed out that we knew about this a long time ago.

38) In April, Q hinted that future disclosures would be made about FBI 302's including the possibility that General Flynn might be freed based on new information about his case.

39) As is often the case, news unlocks the full meaning of past posts.

40) Codemonkey posted a notice that a salt update is scheduled for 8kun on Monday.

41) Q asked for a delay in the salt rotation considering the instability of the platform.

42) Codemonkey laid out the current problems with the platform and his proposed fixes.

He asked Q about migrating /patriotsfight/ but as of right now, Q has not authorized it.

(Perhaps Q is waiting for the platform to become more stable before migrating /PF/.)

43) It looks like the /Patriotsfight/ migration mystery has been solved.

National Security law prevents Q from using "keys" for identification on a publicly accessible board.

Q suggested a new (clean) /PF/ board could be created.

44) It seems Q had foreknowledge that 8chan would be taken offline early in August so he preemptively deleted posts on /Patriotsfight/.

No big loss since /pf/ posts are archived on websites that aggregate Q's posts.

45) Posts on 8chan /Qresearch/ had a 7 digit number.

46) Posts on 8chan /patriotsfight/ had a 2 or 3 digit post number.

Posts from both boards have been preserved on websites that aggregate Q's posts.

47) The BBC reports that a popular email encryption program was found to have vulnerabilities, meaning intercepted emails could be decrypted and read.…

48) Q suggested that the vulnerability was known and was not patched so as to allow access to bad actors.

49) Senator @MarshaBlackburn believes Lt. Colonel Vindman might be the whistleblower's handler.

50) Many spies have been inserted into the Trump campaign & administration. Spies are accountable to their puppet masters.

I believe POTUS is in favor of a Senate trial because he knows the truth will be exposed when the impeachment hoax moves to the Senate.

51) Q posted this on the 20th.

52) Q posted this the day after the 2018 election when the GOP lost control of the House but gained seats in the Senate.

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