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Author: The Land of the Wilted Rose (Rupa). Love & Honour; The Rat Eater (Bloomsbury). Soufflé (Penguin). Consulting Editor: Swarajya. RTs, Likes ≠ Endorsements

Apr 15, 2017, 44 tweets

Ambedkar on Islam: The Story That Must Not Be Told. My column. [Long read.]…

On Rangila Rasul, Ambedkar was outraged at what happened to Rajpal; Gandhi was outraged at what Rajpal did. #FoS

Gandhi has never called Muslims to account even when they have been guilty of gross crimes against Hindus - Ambedkar…

Gandhi was outraged at the publication of Rangila Rasul; WANTED the law changed. The law CHANGED. In came IPC 295A.…

Extremist Salman Abedi, the Manchester suicide bomber, wanted a pan-Islamic caliphate. Moderate Allama Iqbal, the revered poet, wanted THIS:

The demands of Religion are such that inside every Moderate rests an Extremist - latent, dormant; but ready to be woken up. Hand-in-hand.

The problem is intractable; and any reform is impossible. Because beyond apostasy, lies death.…

1. Irrational fear among non-muslims of believers of Islam
2. Rational fear among muslims of discussing Islam in its entirety

This man is an academic; a professor at Oxford. This man is a moderate.

For those with poor logical abilities, the point is not whether this man is against FGM; it is that he thinks it is an internal matter.

For example, point here is not whether this gentleman is against TT - he is; point here is that he thinks it is an internal matter.

As an analogy, you can be against Sati or Untouchability, but if you say these practices are an internal matter, you are worthy of outrage.

BRILLIANT piece by @rahulroushan. Few out the hypocrisy of the fake & fraudulent liberals like he does. Must-read.…


SP leader & ex-Cong MLA Maviya Ali: We are Muslims first, Indians second. In a rift between Islam & Constitution, we will stand by Islam.

Dr Ambedkar on Islam.…

"The courts and the Parliament don’t have the right to form any law that goes against Islamic law."…

This man is a senior journalist. This man is a Moderate.

11 Charlie Hebdo journalists were murdered in cold blood, and a fellow journalist, a Moderate, had this warning for future transgressors:

Qiyamah, meaning Annihilation, End of the World, before Judgement Day. This from a paper brought out by the Moderates, for the Moderates.

A Journalist. A Moderate. And "proud to be intolerant."

Hamid Ansari, a Moderate, felicitating E Abubacker, Chairman, PFI, an outfit whose members chopped off a teacher's hands for blasphemy.

Only following the tenets of Islam. Alluded to as a sin & an abomination in the Holy Koran; Death demanded for in Hadith. (report, Express)

Views of the Moderate Allama Iqbal on Women. SHOCKING misogyny, fanaticism, bigotry, zealotry, and fundamentalism from the revered poet.

Little known facts about the revered poet Allama Iqbal, a Moderate.…

The fanatical Iqbal was in reality the son of a Kashmiri Pandit who was given a choice: Convert or Die (via @JGN195)…

The list of Indian intellectuals who have, out of ignorance or wilful design, airbrushed the bigotry and fanaticism of Iqbal, is STAGGERING.

Here is Tavleen Singh. NO mention of Iqbal's fanaticism, bigotry, misogyny; and a TOTAL misreading of Shikwa (& Jawab-e-Shikwa). Syncretic!

In 1996, Ahmadis in Pakistan were ORDERED to rub 'Muslim' from the great Abdus Salam's tombstone. It now reads "First Nobel Laureate".

The late Benazir Bhutto, a Moderate, REFUSED to so much as meet the Pakistani Nobel laureate Prof Abdus Salam.…

This man is a Journalist. This man is a Moderate.

Of Good Muslims, Bad Muslims, and Islamophobia. My column:…

Apostasy, Immorality, and Forgiveness. My follow-up article on the Good Bad Muslim. [Long read.]…

This takes selectivity & religious propaganda to an altogether different level. Blames everyone & everything else other than the fundamentals prescribed for the believers

Either the author hasn't read the holy books or, well, he has. Probably the latter. Well done @IndianExpress

Islam absolutely forbids, through the words of Allah in the Holy Quran (verses 2:221; 60:10), the marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim man.

Let those Muslims who advocate to the contrary have the guts to say they don't believe in the order of the almighty Allah.

Karl Marx on Koran. Possibly the first exposition of the Two-nation Theory. [From, The Eastern Question, by Karl Marx] (h/t @rahulroushan)…

A searing, must-read piece by @tufailelif that brutally exposes Maulana Abul Kalam Azad for what he really was.

Was sad for days after reading it as Maulana, our first Education Minister, was my hero. Our textbooks had never told us this side of him.…

The Muslim outrage is justified. These verses form an integral part of the Holy Koran. To erase them would be to erase the word of Allah. Besides, Koranic commandments are inviolable and all good Muslims, as Allah has expressly ordered, must follow them.…

SHOCKING bigotry, racism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism of Dr Mahathir Mohammad, seen as a progressive, moderate Muslim leader by many.

Islamic conquests during Ramzan:
Badr, 624
Mecca, 630
Guadalete, 711
Al-Zallaqa, 1086
Hattin, 1187
Ain Jalut, 1260

400 attacks during Ramzan, 2016
300 attacks during Ramzan, 2017

Average of 15 TERROR attacks EVERY RAMZAN DAY (2006-2015; Data: GTD; SITE)

Grand Mufti (Designate), Jammu & Kashmir: If we are not allowed to set up Sharia Courts across India, Indian Muslims have no option but to ask for a SEPARATE COUNTRY within India.

AIMPLB is being honest. Islam absolutely condemns Homosexuality through Quran (26:165-66; 7:80-85) and Hadiths (Bukhari 72:774; Dawud 40:112).

Let those Muslims who advocate to the contrary have the guts to say they don't believe in the order of the almighty Allah & the Prophet.

If you spare the fundamentals but snare the fundamentalists, you are a coward and a hypocrite. Accept it. Move on. Peace.

Mr @warispathan is being honest. The Holy Quran absolutely forbids worshipping or praising any idol or God other than Allah (5:72; 4:48; 4:116; 6:56;17:22)

Let those Muslims who advocate to the contrary have the guts to say they don't believe in the order of the almighty Allah.

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