Lewis Dexter Litanzios Profile picture
🤙 Designated dissenter (Crossposting from https://t.co/QJ5MYHTkYi since 2017)

Jul 31, 2017, 18 tweets

🐶 Dogs get prioritised as one gets older ~ twitter.com/search?q=%22as… #ldl_event

... meet Woody

... meet Liquorice

... ☹️ When you remove everything from the vicinity they can possibly eat, yea that #SpringerSpaniels ~ twitter.com/search?q=%22ye…

... 😡 Nut job

... 😒 #RIP Penthouse dog bed (2017-09-12 10:32am - 2017-09-12 10:49am)

... 💤 Yo #lazyweb

... 🌿 Rural vs. urban #NoRegrets

... 💅 Liquorice: 1000 thread count or #GTF

... Current status... You?

... 😔 #ProTip Dog owner? Don't bother cleaning windows.

✔️ Get pants
✔️ Go to roof

... 🤴

... 🎷 @si_bonobo hey, FYI he told me he prefers Coltrane

... 🎬 Very disappointing Phantasm remake CC @wittertainment @kermodemovie

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