Anand Ranganathan Profile picture
Author: The Land of the Wilted Rose (Rupa). Love & Honour; The Rat Eater (Bloomsbury). Soufflé (Penguin). Consulting Editor: Swarajya. RTs, Likes ≠ Endorsements

Aug 26, 2017, 9 tweets

29,000 have died in our one house since we began in 1952. We give them all the special ticket of St. Peter. [Laughter] - #MotherTeresa

The one book the admirers of #MotherTeresa wish had NEVER been written, is the one book that MUST be read.…

#MotherTeresa's must be the single-most successful emotional con-job of the 20th century. - Hitchens. [Clip voiceover, Dr Aroup Chatterjee]

"I'm happy beyond measure." What Bapu did to Ba is EERILY similar to what Teresa did to thousands - derive joy from the suffering of others

The one 'Paradise' account no one in the Indian media has the courage to talk about. Mother Teresa's. (h/t @attomeybharti)…

1/2 On January 15, 1934, a DEVASTATING earthquake, of Magnitude 8.4, struck Bihar.

THIS is why, said Mahatma Gandhi, the earthquake happened: It was a DIVINE CHASTISEMENT sent by God for our SINS.

Upwards of 30,000 died in that earthquake. 30,000 SINNERS…

2/2 One man was incensed and DISGUSTED by what Mahatma Gandhi had said.

Rabindranath Tagore.

He shot off a letter to Bapu. Read Gurudev's words, AMAZING in their clarity and chastisement of the HORRENDOUS, almost criminal, illogic of Gandhi.…

The Tagore–Gandhi Debate on the Bihar Earthquake. A magisterial essay by @MakrandParanspe, very profound in parts, but one whose thesis I beg to disagree with.

In my opinion, Prof Paranjape cushions what to me, is Gandhi's SIN. Do read. It is brilliant.…

One more feather in the cap for Mother Teresa, or as Hitchens called her, the single-most successful emotional con-job of the 20th century.

This is what she said when asked to comment on the Emergency:…

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