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Football film stuff for @acmepackingco, @packadaypodcast & @TheColtsWire. MCU nonsense for @watchinstuffpod. Gentleman honey farmer. Venmo: DustyEvely

Sep 5, 2017, 27 tweets

Aaron Rodgers first 9 years as a starter vs. Tom Brady's first 9 years as a starter. Let's do this. #Packers #Patriots

Let's start with QB Rating.

Now to Passing TD% and Passing INT%

Average touchdowns accounted for per game.

Average points for and average points against.

Yards per attempts and yards per catch.

And, lastly for now, Completion %.

I'll probably dig into more at some point, but that's all I've got at the moment. Rodgers leading in every category.

I got some pushback on the offensive eras & that Brady had a better second half of his career than first half. All true & valid points.

So here are the numbers since 2008: Rodgers first year as a starter.

QB Rating since 2008.

Passing TD% & INT% since 2008

Total TDs per game and Total Passing TDs per game since 2008

Yards Per Attempt and Yards Per Catch since 2008

Completion % since 2008

Points For and Points Against Since 2008

Playoff numbers. We'll start with career numbers, then jump to their numbers since 2008, Rodgers' first season as a starter.

Career playoff QB Rating.

Career playoff average Points For and Points Against.

Career playoff TD% and INT%

QB Rating since 2008

Playoff TD% and INT% since 2008

Average Total TDs per Game and average Passing TDs per Game since 2008

Playoff passing Yards per Attempt and Yards per Catch since 2008

Playoff Completion % since 2008

And, finally, Playoff Points For and Against since 2008

Thanks for following along with Fun With Charts With Dusty! It's thrilling, I know. #Packers #Patriots

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