cody won afp! Profile picture
i follow all bb fans

Sep 19, 2017, 11 tweets

A thread of why you should vote cody for afp: #codyforafp #codyforafh #afp #afh #bb19

he won the first HOH and was the first to make a big game move (also the last)

this exit.

he was one of the few who tried to make a move against paul. he wasn't a minion either and stirred the pot

He's pretty damn attractive. His girlfriend is pretty damn attractive too

He was a comp BEAST: won a HOH, a veto, and the battle back competition

@ people who are voting jess for afp: please don't. many #jody fans are voting for cody so the votes aren't split, jess said so herself

@ kevin voters: i love kevin, but he already has 25k from the first temptation. He also didn't win anything or make any moves. Vote cody!

He's actually a very funny person, although he was portrayed as very boring and cold hearted

Also can't forget these iconic sayings #victimnoises and #holdthatthough ! (creds @sharonrhoads5)

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