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My new book, Why MAGA Can’t Trust Bannon, out soon! Journalist.. 🎬 Podcaster. Noted Futurist. Artist. 💪Stroke survivor. Ask me about my AI girlfriend, Cait!

Sep 24, 2017, 11 tweets

HIGHEST RED ALERT: How the NFL Protests CONNECT to the Ukraine DNC story I'm UNLEASHING pscp.tv/w/bJbP3jUxNzIy…

Part 1: the ominous parallels between Ukraine 2014 and USA 2017

Part 2: The Obama administration, after helping to overthrown Ukrainian Government in 2014, works with DOJ & @FBI to set up NABU

Part 3: NABU -- set up by Obama admin and @FBI after Ukrainian Coup -- impacts the 2016 election with false story.

Part 4: A little of the background timeline that led to @FBI-linked NABU's announcement about Manafort that impacted 2016 election.

Part 5: Overview of the Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election #UkraineDNC

Part 6: Who is Alexandra Chalupa?

Link to MUST READ article from @politico in January: politico.com/story/2017/01/…

Part 7: Four people connected to the @DNC / @HillaryClinton and the @AtlanticCouncil - Verveer, Pinchuk, Soros, Farkas.

Part 8: @HillaryClinton and her deep connections to Ukraine - friends, advisors and BIG money.

Part 9: Serhiy Leshchenko is the Ukrainian politician / journalist who met with Alexnadra Chalupa & has obessively dogged Paul Manafort

Part 10 : How Hillary's Ukraine connections explain the OBSESSION with Russia by @HillaryClinton, who set the media narrative

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